The steps got closer, completely, utterly, and even contemptuously ignoring the psychic pleas Jynmi hoped to be sending out that asked, quiet nicely, to please go away or if not for that, at the very least, stay where you were so he could go somewhere else. There was a second of vertigo as he got lost in the lack of the directions he had to flee. The old self defense mechanism was starting to kick in slowly but surely splintering the door to the control room of his nervous system. He put a chair under the knob just in case. For all his shortcomings and lack of better ideas of what to do, he was smart enough to have little doubt that this wasn't the time or place to play dead because doing so would lead to him becoming so good at the act he wouldn't have to play any more. That's when the voice came, the one that told him what to do. He hadn't heard it in awhile, probably because of his medication. With a nod, he hurried to blow out the candles, which ended out pretty well. The problems didn't start till he became disoriented in the dark and knocked everything over with the kind of crash you could hear in a vacuum. "Flaming Crap in front of a door." He snapped before shrugging back to his feet as a tell tale glint of some light that shouldn't be there told him alerted him to the door knob's location. He ran, not worrying about sound any more grabbed the knob and stepped. Jeez That was a close one. "Thanks." The foot steps kept coming till they appeared to stop at the base..