Arty was starting to think something was wrong with the air tonight, he never got this much stuff happening at once at his door. He somehow manage to catch all the words being spoken to him at once, from the slightly slurred ones of Jake to the falsely deep ones of Nick. The ginger first turned his attention to Nick and immediately picked up the begging in the boy's eyes, the little guy wanted to impress Nori that was damn sure. [color=00a651][i]Yer too nice Arty...[/i][/color] He mentally kicked himself before looking to Nori. [color=00a651][b]"Ay, rainbow 'air was just telling me 'ow 'e is working with Ryva."[/b][/color] He said before shooting Nick a look that read [i]you owe me kid[/i]. He then looked over his shoulder to where Jake was sitting, smirking slightly as he asked for Arty to do his old keg river-dance routine. Though his laugh faded when he got a glimpse at the girl Jake was pointing at, it was the girl that had walked up to him twenty minutes ago and slipped him the money. When Nori called her over Arty tried to muster his best [I]this-isn't-awkward-at-all[/I] smiles in hopes to save face, whether it be his or the girl's Arty wasn't entirely sure at the moment. He looked back to Nick and Nori when the DJ mentioned getting Nick inside. [color=00a651][b]"Uh no. Lord 'air dye isn't much one for the clubs, isn't that right boyo?"[/b][/color] He said to Nori before looking over to Nick, Arty may have wanted to help Nick but he wasn't about to lose his job over trying to be a wingman for the kid.