Thena watched with a little disgust as Wretha made a complete fool out of the kid, but also grinned at the display. Brat had it coming to him. She was one of the only ones to still look the magic user in the eyes, curiosity having been piqued to say the least. Soon after Wretha took her turn, a large bruiser of a man picked a fight with... Another large bruiser. Well, this was amusing. The fight that followed not so much, courtesy of the first of the two, named "Mordrag" if Thena remembered correctly. The she-elf whistled as they went to town on the other man with the very rusty sword, eventually absolutely pulverizing them. Well, there's one for the grave... Shame. Such a ball of muscles, easily fitting right into a construction job, dead. It only served to get the elf into the mood to fight herself, though and she rose up from her seat. "Alllright, people, there's two down! I'll be takin' the next fight, any volunteers?" She called out to the room, a single person walking up to her. A man. Rather tall, pretty aged, gold hair with hazel eyes. Seemed to be a hammer on his hip, and a small round wooden shield secured to his arm. "You're full of it," they spoke to Thena. "There's no way an [i]elf[/i] could beat someone, much less a woman!" Thena didn't even mind the trashtalking, it only served to get her into the mood to give this guy a beating further. "Cocky, ain'tcha? Get in the ring, lessee if I'm 'Full of it'!" The elf cracked her knuckles whilst walking towards the ring, then looked upon the corpse lying there. That'd be getting in the way for sure, but she didn't care much. Avoiding it should be easy enough. The nameless man who'd accepted Thena's challenge took out his hammer, then opened his mouth. "I already introduced myself earlier, but considering I'm about to put you in your place I suppose it's only fitting I'll repeat it for you... Recule Grand. I don't need to know your name, by the way, as you'll be- Guh!" An abrupt cutoff to the monologue was delivered due to a swift blow into the man's gut, the spikes on the tip of Athena's gloves easily ripping through the man's clothes and piercing his skin. "Keep an eye on your opponent, Moron." She tried to sucker in another one to the right, although it connected with the shield Grand had on him, quickly pushing Thena off of him. The battle had officially begun with that notice, a swing of the hammer coming out with a lot of force. It was easy to read with the man overswinging hard, a quick dash to the side able to get out of the threat zone. When it came down and whiffed Grand tried a quick one by bringing it back via the direction Thena was standing in, the surprise factor catching her off guard and delivering a good blow to her side. It didn't hit any bones, luckily, but too many of those hits could definitely crush her organs. The force of the blow caused Thena to stumble and lose her balance, another one coming out overhead. The elf barely managed to grab the hand that was holding the weapon, stopping the momentum of the blow dead in its tracks. She gave a good pull backwards to cause the blonde to lose his balance, using that opportunity to give a good right blow connecting with the man's cheekbone. The assualt didn't stop there, she let go of the armed hand and let out a punch straight into the man's ribcage, knocking him off his feet straight into the sand. So far they'd only gotten knocked around a bit and a hole-shaped wound or four, but it was about to get worse. Thena gave no time for Grand to recover, stomping down her boot on his stomach causing another grunt of pain, and reflexively cause the man to drop his hammer to the floor. Thena took this chance to quickly pick it up and look at it. "Nice weapon y'got there. Although that one blow really [i]hurt[/i], y'know?" A wicked grin sprawled over the elf's face as she grabbed it in both hands and brought it down on the blondie, lying dazed on the floor. He'd brought up his shield to block it, but even though it came down on the wooden surface you could hear something below it crack. Grand let out a cry of pain at his new broken arm, which collapsed onto his torso. Thena grabbed the scruff of the man's neck, who now had eyes filled with fear. "I recall ye sayin' [i]I[/i] was full of it... I think you were mistaken." She headbutted him once, then grabbed the non-broken arm. She put down her boot on the man's torso first to stop him from rolling, holding his very hammer high up in the sky. "Hope you don't need this!" Another crunch came out as the steel connected with the bare skin, soon followed by yet another scream of pain. The elf had officially broken both of the blonde's arms now, leaving him a crying mess. Thena picked up the man and threw him onto the floor next to the ring, causing even more screams of pain to echo in the room. "Well, tha's that!" She exited the ring herself. The elf made her way back over to her own seat, pretty satisfied with her own handiwork. She glanced around the room, scouting out the others who still had to pick a fight.