[quote=@Darcs] Well then, here's lowblood scum! [i]* Name:[/i] Lyalli Dihcro [i]* Gender:[/i] Hatched as a male grub, Lyalli has found interacting with the world as a female is preferable than interacting with it as a male. As such, she does just that. Humans would call this state of gender identity being MtF transsexual, because humans are just a little silly. * [i]Description, Physical:[/i] The first thing people tend to notice about Lyalli is that she is lowblooded, about as lowblooded as you can get without falling off the hemospectrum altogether-- her eyes are becoming a [color=660000]sickly pomegranate shade[/color]. The next thing people notice about her is her skin, it is as flawless as marble and several shades lighter than the typical Alternian grey, most likely due to a life lived without moonlight. Lyalli's tall, doesn't have fangs, as those near her position on the spectrum tend to lack, posseses perfectly sculpted statuesque features, and has medium length hair typically held back in a ponytail, and braided with flowers with petals near the color of her own blood. Her horns are tiny and resemble the stems of plants, covered in thorns and ending in unrealized buds. She wears a black, ill fitted spaghetti strap tanktop/dress with her symbol, [color=660000]ϛʹ[/color], printed bright and clear for absolutely no one to see. She also wears dark plaid pajama pants that are also too large, and decidedly goes without shoes. * [i]Behaviors/personality/character traits:[/i] Lyalli, having been reclusive from a young age, decided to build her hive south-- almost as far south as the Alternian snow desertscape would allow. In an unlivable land, fluctuating between icy sun and moonless night, she grew up in a massive underground complex of her own construction. Becoming enthralled in the process of growing plants for sustenance and beauty as a means of entertaining herself. To alleviate her isolation, she came to appreciate outdated Alternian works of art, as well as the aesthetic value to be found in consumerism. Her appreciation of beauty and the aesthetic may be what fueled her desire to transition. Regardless, to avoid going stircrazy all on her own, she has become a lifelong fan of flowers, old things, and the idea of superficial appreciation. At 8 sweeps old, Lyalli has just begun the transition from child to adult when she was instructed... or rather '[i]recruited'[/i] by an imperial drone to become a Keeper of the Seeds, perhaps the highest agricultural honor someone of her low blood could ever hope to achieve. Her life was to become dedicated to the preservation of seeds, in the event of some catastrophic disaster-- her hive in the secluded, frozen south as well as her lowblood psychic ability to commune with plants made her a perfect candidate for such a position. She has taken up the role with all the aplomb of a lowblood with little red and black prospects that doesn't wish to be culled. * [i]Race:[/i] Troll * [i]Typing quirks for Trolls:[/i] Lyalli's Trollian handle is opheliasBittercup and she types [color=660000]従来の低血形式で。 彼女はまた、花が好きです。 全体[s]バンチ[/s] "bouquet420花の専門店。"[/color] [/quote] Yeah! Low-blood bruthas(sistas)!