[color=00aeef]While the attention was the blue haired boy, Kameyo made her way as steadily as she could over to Nori. As she passed she glared for a moment and the random drunken hobo. Kame sighed, it wasn't his fault she acted like an idiot. She whispered[/color] "Sorry." [color=00aeef]and was trying to hide herself the best she could behind Nori. It wasn't working very well. She was half listening to the conversation and caught his name. So his name is Arty. Kameyo dared to sneak a peek at him and saw him smiling at her. She quickly blushed and hid behind Nori again. No matter how much she wanted to apologize for her behavior, she just couldn't face him right now. Kame was NOT mentally prepared for this.[/color] [color=00aeef]She started listening more carefully the the conversation, hoping to find some sort of queue for leaving. [/color][color=8882be]"its Weston's suggestion that we should meet up sometime....bye now."[/color][color=00aeef]She glanced at the boy with the blue hair from behind Nori. She had seen him around campus but never actually talked to him. That must be Sir Weston. As he walked away she giggled, it was pretty adorable how hard he was trying to impress her. Ofcourse she also made sure not to look in Arty's general direction. She REALLY was not wanting to have a drinking contest, she had already drawn enough attention to herself for about a month. [/color] [color=00aeef]Kameyo looked down at her phone. It was already pretty late, but at the very least it was Sunday tomorrow which meant no classes to deal with. She could have sworn today was Friday, but that sort of thing happens when you don't have a solid sleep schedule. She also didn't have to deal with the kids from the college anymore! Thinking of sleep Kameyo was exhausted. Her eyes kept threatening to close on her. Kame leaned on Nori so she wouldn't fall over and yawned. Today was a long day.[/color]