[hider=Gary Eldritch] [center] [img]http://www.spookhouse.net/tsom/images/atf_face.jpg[/img] Alias: Eldritch Real name: Gareth Robert Scott-Wilson - Name changed to 'Gary Eldritch' later in life. Age: 56 chronologically, biologically around 26. Gender: Male Appearance: [img]http://www.spookhouse.net/tsom/master_ae.JPG[/img] Gary stands at a rather short 5 foot 8. His hair is black and travels down to his shoulder in messy locks. His eyes are bright gold and are almost always hidden by his black aviators. He is rather skinny in appearance, with a small amount of muscle on his arms which obviously does not represent his true strength. His skin is, of course, pale white. Personality: Gary is the right man in the wrong place to put it simply. He was never made for heroing, he just happened to fall into it. He approaches his heroing duties like he would approach any other job, by trying to get it done as quickly and as cleanly as possible. Along with this, Gary is rather loud and foul mouthed, often swearing at his enemies in an attempt to rile them up. He mostly goes on his gut instinct rather than thinking matters through. Short Biography: Gary was born in Liverpool, England and formed his first band at the age of 15 with his friends. The band evolved throughout his teen years until it finally came to the formation that would bring him fame at the age of 19. They were discovered by a recording agent while they were playing in a pub. They gained a cult following throughout the 80s but things turned south around 1985. He was bitten in a dark alleyway by a vampire, and subsequently transformed into a vampire by chance. He had dabbled in the occult in the past and soon found that the rituals and spells he had practiced in the past now worked like a charm. He met his mentor soon after discovering this, who taught him how to use the magic and how to fight evil. Which he has been doing ever since. Powers, Skills & Equipment: As a vampire, Gary possesses all of the strengths and weaknesses of one, such as: -Eternal youth, Increased aspects of the human body, night vision and being able to turn others into vampires. Gary is also a master of the occult. He is able to perform and use magic in both hostile and non hostile situations. His main source of attack with this magic is his conjuration and manipulation of holy fire, ironic for someone of his race. His magic is mainly based in being able to exorcise spirits and other such things. He does not regularly carry any firearms Weakness: Weakness wise he is of course extremely weak to sunlight, although he uses various spells and charms to negate this effect. He cannot however, negate the effects of a crucifix and silver is like fire to him. Along with this, a shotgun to the face at point black range is exactly like it would be to a normal human. His durability only extends to small caliber rounds. Along with this, while it does not physically harm him, any holy ground can negate some spells. Full Biography: Gary was born in Liverpool, England to a rugby playing father and teacher mother. His early life consisted mostly of getting into fights with his brother and being bored at primary school. He first picked up a guitar at age 12, when his uncle came to visit. He was fascinated with the instrument and quickly accepted the offer when his uncle offered to teach him how to play it. He was obsessed with the instrument as soon as the lessons started, and even more obsessed after he saved enough money to buy his own guitar. He played the instrument day and night, to his parents annoyance. He eventually formed a band with a few lads from his school. Their music was bad, to put it bluntly. They couldn't decide on a genre between them and ranged from funk to rockabilly to metal. The band eventually split up after a fight which ended in a broken drum set and a smashed bass guitar. Gary stuck with the drummer of the band and they eventually found another bass player to join their band. Of course, being the gothic rock band they were, they all decided on pseudonyms. The new bass player, Ana Nightingale was a perfect addition to the 'Sisters of Forbearance'. They started off playing in pubs for tiny amount of money. Their gothic style didn't exactly match up with the Tina Turner and Michael Jackson styles of the time. They really came into their own when Billy Idol began to gain ground and the punk scene began to rise up. They gained a cult following within Liverpool and were eventually signed to an indie label. With their signing they began to gain a much bigger following outside of Liverpool. Mainly in Scotland, where they travelled to a lot. Things quickly turned sour on a rainy night in Aberdeen. Gary had wandered off into an alley to piss and was surprised to hear someone following him. He turned to see a rather dishevelled man following him. Gary turned to tell him to fuck off but was met with the pain of having your neck bitten. He was left in the alley, drained of blood and as pale as a ghost. His drummer, Eddie Hitler carried him home. Gary was lucky that, Eddie had found him, otherwise he would have blown up like semtex as soon as the sun rose. Gary felt very strange the next morning. With the amount he had drunk the night before, he was sure to have a hangover the next morning, but he felt fine. Better than ever actually. Another strange thing was that whenever he stepped into sunlight he would feel a slight burning sensation. The truth was that Gary was not fully a vampire yet. He was still mostly human and so sunlight was not as lethal as it would have been. He decided to stay in his house for a few days, putting the strange feelings down to sickness. In the time he spent indoors, he picked up his old occult books and began practicing them out of sheer boredom more than anything else. Surprisingly enough, the spells began to work. Small spells like being able to conjure a flame the size of a match began to work. Unbeknownst to Gary, they were also giving off something that can be described as 'A magic flare'. He heard a knock on his door on his third day of being a shut in. He opened the door to meet what looked like Van Helsing had a baby with Dr Jekyll. The man introduced himself as a master of the occult and attempted to explain the situation to, Gary. Gary, being a 'normal' person, thought the man was a nutter, as would any sane person when told they were a vampire. The man named, Baron Palmowski, proved the situation in two ways. First of all, by showing Gary his own golden eyes and newly developing fangs. Secondly through his demonstration of his 'holy magic'. Gary was awestruck by, Palmowski's power. Palmowski offered to teach Gary how to become a master of the occult, Gary, of course, accepted. He first taught him how to protect himself from the sun, for obvious reasons. The teachings went on for a year. Along with teaching him spells and whatnot, Palmowski also taught Gary how to use weaponry and how to fight with his fists. Soon after his training was complete, Gary joined Palmowksi in his occult affairs all over the globe. That is, until they met, Oculus. Oculus was a large eyeball based demon. It controlled a large cove of vampires and spelled trouble for both Gary and Palmowski. They fought with Oculus quite a few times before Palmowski was struck down by the demon. Gary, in a fit of rage, practically pulled out all of Oculus' numerous eyeballs. He left the cove, bloody and angered. After the affair with Oculus, Gary began moving on to higher class villains. While he was the go-to guy for occult affairs, Gary also began making a name for himself in the higher heroing world. A name which is still growing to this day. Fun facts: -His band was called 'The Sisters of Forbearance' -His favourite colour is, of course, black -He is ambidextrous [/center][/hider]