Aria was a bit stunned that the girl was a bit...well...blunt, to put it in a certain way. She extended her hand and shook Ai's, nodding and saying: [b]"Sure thing Ai. Gotta ask use Yo-Yos as weapons? I guess I've seen everything now."[/b] She couldn't help but think of her own little sister when she saw Ai, heck if she didn't know any better she could have sworn Ai WAS Sasha's age, almost behaved like it too with how straight forward and childish she was. The Yo-Yos didn't help much. She turned her head when Ai snapped at the cheetah faunus who had been smiling, she found it a bit weird, three faunus meeting in the course of about 4 minutes, but then again some of the people here wouldn't want to associate with them anyways. She was a bit unnerved when the guy's slight smile changed to a rather blank face, and she stood to stand on his level, she was just a bit taller than him, ears not included. [b]"Ai here's from Signal too, I'm Aria."[/b] She said extending her hand as Ai had done before.