Everything had happened awfully quick, Ethan barely knew what he was doing himself. After he had been nearly run over by the other boy things just moved like clockwork, his body willing itself to get both the stranger and Amuné out of harm's way. It wasn't until they had gotten into the chase itself that he started to recognize what was going on, realizing too that they didn't stand much of a chance at escaping; the men were armed and likely trained, they would need a miracle to get away without trying anything. After exhausting every option he could think of Ethan opted on the one he was most reluctant to use, and the most worried to as well. If casting a spell didn't take the men out then he'd not only be drained, but they'd be livid and everyone would be in trouble for it. That risk was worth it however if he pulled it off, as it would give them at the very least a window to escape. With Amuné in his grasp still he didn't have time to set her down, so instead he clutched the young Ydra to his side, gave her a brief warning and fired off a spell. The results of his magic couldn't have been better. Not only were the men thrown aside, but there was minimal damage to their surroundings, and he hadn't killed them or himself with it, a win-win. Though Ethan may not be quite dead he certainly felt like it, his body immediately becoming exhausted as he fell to one knee, breathing a bit raggedly from expending so much so quick. It was normally against his self-conduct to attack someone like that, but there was no way he could let Amuné or Wyth be hurt, or the other boy for that matter. Managing to rise back to his feet after a moment's struggle he let out a breathless chuckle, trying to stumble ahead as he gestured for the others to follow. People were in a proper panic now after having seen magic, and no doubt the guards would be on their way; how were the people of this town going to treat a Magi? Would he be taken away like Cedric had been? That was pretty disheartening to think about, especially when he'd gone and pledged to help Amuné. "Come on, the forest isn't far..." Ethan said tiredly, glancing back at Amuné and Wyth to make sure they were unharmed before immediately looking forward when the other boy approached them. "Hold on...? Hold on to- WHOA!" With strength quite shocking for his size the other boy lifted both of them up with minimal effort, raising them above his head before taking off down the road. Balancing awkwardly in his hand, the white-haired Magi had only just gotten a hold on himself when they stopped just as abruptly and were placed down, feeling lightheaded from the sudden lifting and dropping. Rubbing at his forehead he glanced up at the boy, giving him a confused look briefly before breaking into a smile. "Hey... It's fine, you're trying to help... All good..." Ethan answered giving a dismissive wave of his hand. Peering past the other boy he made sure to check if they were being followed, relieved to see no one coming after them. So his spell had worked then, though he wasn't likely going to be welcome back to this town any time soon. Shame too, he'd like to at least go back to the spot he'd cast at and clean it up, seeing as he'd made a mess of things. "We should keep moving, if... You don't mind. You're not safe... And we gotta protect Amuné too." He'd get back to his own task eventually, first thing was to make certain these two were fine. Giving a nod of approval to be lifted again, Ethan braced himself and let out a faint gasp at the shift again, being less disoriented however as he was ready for it. Like before it only took a second until they were off again, and in mere moments they were beyond the city's limits, heading down the road that wound back into the forest. Only once they were largely out of view of the town did Ethan call for them to stop, certain they were safe for now. That and all of the jostling around while being carried was hammering his already battered body, he felt like he'd just ran into a building at full speed or something. Smiling gratefully as they were set back down, the Magi let out a long-winded sigh before leaning back where he sat, placing his hands back on the grass as he let out a short laugh. "Wow... Today sure was busy... Didn't expect to be running this much..." he mused, still a bit short of breath, "Nice to meet you, by the way... My name's Ethan, and sorry if I caused trouble back there... Couldn't just let them do... Whatever they were wanting to do to you. You alright now, uh...?" Glancing over at Amuné and Wyth he smiled, remembering their plight as well as he gestured to the small bag at his side. "There's a bit of food in there... Dried beef and fruit. Take whatever you want, my treat, make up for squashing your fish."