[i]"Locked and loaded."[/i] He thought to himself, hiding behind a tree with a SMG on his chest plate, pouches swaying with ammunition and a large rocket launcher on his back. Marcus felt like a fool, carrying the big guns on a mission where they were hiding in the grass and bushes, behind trees and rocks. "Why even bring me along..." he muttered to himself, slowly peered at the distant lodge, hands wrapped tightly around his gun. It seemed like a nice lodge, even if it had men who'd be trying to kill him surrounding it, he felt some sort of deep guilt that it would be filled with bullet holes by the end of their objective. Or worse, [i]"Don't let it be worse..."[/i] he added to his thoughts, giving a heavy breath to respond to the rising intensity. He could feel it, the shot was soon, the gunny' had given orders, Marcus had to get ready. "Please don't let it be worse." he whispered to himself, the butt of his submachine gun soon kept against his right shoulder, aiming it in the direction of the lodge. [i]"Please."[/i] The silence was taunting at this rate, placing a slow pointer finger on the trigger while giving a glare at the lodge. The gun's safety was off, he knew that, and it was fully loaded with a fresh clip. Now he could only hope it wouldn't jam on him when everything went hot. [i]"Please."[/i] And with that last thought, there was the bang, and he squeezed the trigger.