[hider=Rocket Lancer][center][img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/152/7/d/anime_boy_render_by_luxio56lavi-d51v1h8.png[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] [color=thistle]Kosuke Kimura[/color] [b]Height:[/b] 179 cm [b]Hair Color:[/b] Bluish-gray [b]Eye Color:[/b] Exactly the same as his hair [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]History:[/b] Nothing significant. He doesn't really have anything out of the ordinary in his back story, being rather normal comparatively speaking. Once, he used to wish for something to happen one night to take him away from the world and whisk him away into a fantasy land where he'd be able to slay the demon king and become the hero of the land. But he got realistic fast and started dreaming smaller. Even then, each of his 'dreams' he ended up getting bored with as he grew up. But throughout all of them, one thing didn't change. What he had always wanted was a cause to fight for, something to devote his whole body and mind to, to completely absorb him and drown out everything else. He found it. [b]Personality:[/b] Introverted to a fault, but he puts it as [b][color=thistle]"I don't like people."[/color][/b] optionally with a frowny face. There are only three types of people to him in the world, and the third is yet to be proven. People he didn't like, people he didn't mind, and people he did like. At the very top of his list of people he doesn't like are people he terms as 'badly written' but they're basically people who don't seem to have a visible reason for their actions or how they are. People who he didn't mind were basically all the people that knew to leave him alone. So the people who talked to him once, the people who only glanced at him on occasion and the people who knew he existed, said hi and were perfectly fine with him just nodding at them pointedly. He has not found anyone that he's been more than meh with but he'd really like to find one sooner or later. As his avatar, he is outwardly completely different. The tall gloomy grey guy suddenly gives way to a small blonde haired kid and usually people get surprised when they find out. He's still self-centered but he's actually sort of bright and cheery. [hr] [b]Appearance (Avatar):[/b] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/pandora-hearts/images/4/44/83855.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/180?cb=20100905094340[/img] [b]Avatar Class:[/b] Warrior - Duelist [b]Avatar Title:[/b] [b][color=yellow]Rocket Lancer[/color][/b] [b]Avatar Level:[/b] 3 [b]Avatar Guild:[/b] Sweepers [b]Avatar Abilities:[/b] [u]Rocket Lancer[/u] - A passive skill, whatever lance Kosuke wields will have a functional rocket booster on the end of it. He can use this to fly but it's a little risky unless flying in a straight line. [u]Fatal Acceleration[/u] - Kosuke activates his rocket booster but he holds the lance back, building up pressure to distinct charge levels. A Level 1 charge will grant additional damage and boost velocity, a Level 2 charge will increase crit chance as well as damage and provide a considerable velocity boost, and a Level 3 charge multiplies his crit damage, increases crit chance and base damage as well as greatly boosting his velocity. [u]Puncture Barrage:[/u] Kosuke rapidly activates and deactivates the rocket thruster in order to deliver a flurry of quick thrusts in a cone in front of him. The damage per hit is quite small but the combo can end up having upwards of 20 hits if you take all of them. Each hit has a chance to apply bleed. [b]Avatar Feats:[/b] Furious Blows [b]Other:[/b] R0ck3ts 4 lyf3 [/hider] I finished one too!