[@Ashifili] Sounds more like she's an unconventional warrior. Most rogues are more sneaky types like Assasins, physical range like Rangers, or gimmicky like Architects. Also how many arms would she get per level? Does that mean at level 9 she'll have up to 9 mechanical arms? Or she'll get an arm every time she unlocks an Avatar Ability, which would total up to five at level 9? For her second ability no true-strike. You can either make it knock-back and make it more akin to a hydraulic push or armor piercing (Negates up to 20% of armor-based DR). Also as far as combat goes, here's a general rule of thumb: One post = One Round = One Minute. Don't get too crazy with what you do in one post. Unless you do have such things as speed boosts or extra limbs to work with, don't expect to be able to pull off a long chain of combos in one post. You have, at most one minute to do something. I trust that you'll all be reasonable with it, as in you'd best not be able to clear 50 yards within a minute, or string together 10 attacks in the span of thirty seconds unless you have an ability that would grant you so many. Take into consideration some other factors too: obstacles and the field of battle. Not everywhere is going to be a nice flat city scape. Sometimes you'll literally be fighting an uphill battle, which means anyone at top has a pretty good chance to hitting anyone below them. Attacks of Opportunity all around. Also if you got a lot of heavy equipment, like big ass armor or a bunch of giant weapons, don't think that it won't slow you down or make you a least a bit cumbersome. Ya gunna fat roll.