[quote=Rare] Races other than humans.. No.Go as far as flying cities and such?. No.I'll join :3 Hello Kilo6 again. [/quote] RARE!!!! *hugs* I'm glad so glad your here! It's been far to long darling [quote=Zaresto] Just to get this straight, the technology of this setting will be comparable to that of, say, Crimson Skies, correct? [/quote] Along a similar theme, yes. I'm allowing some more creative freedom in it though, so airships might look a little more flying battleship than zeppelin, but it's however your nation's style is in the end. If you want your airships to resemble zeppelins more, than go right ahead and vise versa. Also, with Rare showing interest, I'm going to get an OOC up and running tomorrow (on EST). In the mean time, since you guys where the first ones in, I present to you a map in which to carve a nation out of(You guys get first pick ;) )! Remember to be reasonable with the size: [img=http://i.imgur.com/1rbVd9u.jpg] The lore will go along the lines of that desert to the north is seemingly infinite cold, dry stretch of sand and snow. -UPDATE- [quote=Invictus] Interested, Always love a good steampunk. [/quote] Woops! Didn't see ya there. Welcome aboard captain! Just in time too with the OOC being up soon.