Atreides nodded, listening to the man explain how the last owner came to a rather violent end, the grip on the autopistol looking sturdier than average. In the grand scheme of things it would be a far better pairing to his skill with a shock maul than the shotgun would be. Pistol in his off hand could spook some law breakers, not as much as a bolt pistol or hand cannon, but the grip was far more reassuring than what was probably a variant of the local manufacture of a Judge killer hand cannon. Those things had gotten one too many of his brothers in arms to lightly consider taking one up as his own weapon, and they tended to cause as many problems for allies as they did for the enemies. So, as he was about to speak on the matter of bartering his shotgun off for the autopistol and information, the sounds of footsteps got his attention, bringing his attention up in that direction while he spoke quietly so only the merchant could hear him, scanning to see what the footsteps were coming from, at a time like this. [color=0076a3]"How much for the autopistol, directions to Hab Block 7-17, and what you know on recent cases of vanishing people coming up as walking experiments. Certain persons are not happy about this, if you catch my drift."[/color] Assuming the footsteps did not lead to anyone that would disrupt this deal from going through, the hint he dropped made it merely sound like the man was a Cartel enforcer, like his cover was, and a simple enough matter. Someone stepping on toes they shouldn't be stepping on, owners of said toes were out to make them regret their decisions in life. It was business as usual, really, and not anything unusual. He was going to try cooperation first, and if that failed, he would resort to far harsher methods if need demanded it. [hr] Further investigate Autopistol Inquire on Information Look for the source of the footsteps