W/ Sep [hr] Taking a break after the first five interviews, Catherine headed to the mess hall to grab a mug of coffee and something to eat. She was put into good moods from the start when she recruited a capable doctor, one who looked a bit more pleasant that Joseph on the [i]Langford[/i]. The next four were a bit less perspective, but she managed to snag two marines at the very least. One tuna sandwich later, Kat was back in the chair and studying the file of the next person with vigilance. She didn’t like anyone employed by the IOA to be on her ship, but they didn’t push this person forward and she actually seemed to have some skills that would be usable at least in the first part of the mission. that, and she couldn’t say she hated the idea of being able to pass diplomatic talks to someone else. Pushing the button, she waited for a Hannah Evans to arrive. Hannah couldn’t deny, while this was technically an IOA assignment this wasn’t why she was doing it. The Asgard were fascinating, both to speak to and their history and knowledge. Not many people could tell the difference between individual Asgard, and few could identify them by voice she liked to think she was one of the few. They were more interesting than people gave them credit for and their loss truly was a loss. A file went to slip out of her hands, and she swooped down in the least elegant way possible. It was just a pity that Mr.Williams aide had called in sick, so she was nearly running late to her interview with the captain being burdened by numerous files. She really wanted to slap Iona right now. Outside the office was security officer, “Mind if I leave these on the seat?” He shook his head. “Thanks, you’re a star.” She left the files down, knocked on the door and went in. She moved over to the desk, offering her hand. “Mis- General Black it’s an absolute pleasure-” The offer sincere, enthusiasm evident in her voice. This wasn’t a political gesture she was truly thrilled to even be [i]discovered[/i]. She had read some of Blacks files while at Homeworld Command and had seen her a couple of times, though hadn’t actually spoken to her before (Previously just being an aide and all). “Funny, I didn’t know I looked that great.” Kat snickered at Evans’ choice of words. “Please.” she said, offering the other seat. The woman in front of her looked quite young, but the file said she had ample qualification none the less. The general supposed that IOA work left one with enough free time to study - who knew. “I am going to be honest here Ms. Evans, your previous work experiences are not exactly appealing. I do not need a bench body whose only purpose is to look over my shoulder and question every decision I make on this mission. However, you do have other qualification that is actually interesting and your superiors strangely didn’t push for you to be on board regardless of what I have to say, so - convince me that I want you along.” she said straight from the start, choosing to let her make her own introduction. After all, if she was to represent Earth, she needed to sell herself to the audience. “Well to be honest I don’t have any intention to micromanage or judge your every move-” She laughed nervously, she supposed all the IOA members who did that promised as much… “-First and foremost I want to represent Earth, and have the experience to do so. I’ve worked with the Asgard on several occasions. Usually as an aide but I have had contact with them. I’ve got my degree in history which always turns out more useful in this program than you’d think.” She laughed nervously again that, she should really stop doing that. “Most importantly I’ve studied the Asgard. I’ve been lucky enough to find [i]some[/i] spare time with access to the Asgard Knowledge stored within the cores aboard several of our ships, and I’ve memorized a [i]lot[/i] off it. The chance to go to Ida would be… amazing and I feel that my historical knowledge, knowledge on the Asgard and diplomatic skills would be useful. Also you may have noticed, but I’m not an elderly gentleman and am physically fit for if we get into action.” She smiled somewhat proud of herself, why was she more comfortable around IOA members and aliens than trying to work an interview with a human General? Listening patiently, Catherine had to admit to herself that she was getting sold. True, the Asgard were not around anymore - at least not in Ida as far as SGC knew - but as far as any species that might have known them… It might be useful to have someone who knew how the Asgard kept friendly with them and follow up on it. “Good.” she said with a raised eyebrow. “So, is your personal interest part of why you volunteered for this? You do understand it could be a one way trip right? You’re only twenty-five, are you sure you want to leave for that long?” She gathered she would be asking that question around a lot. It didn’t get much easier with time. Hannah merely shrugged. “It’s why I applied for this, yes.” She smiled. “Also it’s a one way trip to about the same extent as Atlantis and there were people my age on that expedition. I won’t bring Destiny into it because those people didn’t volunteer for that trip, but they do still go to another planet so that counts. I’m happy to go, I mean it’s the trip of a lifetime I doubt anyone will say no to it!” “Fair enough.” the general nodded. “You mentioned you have worked with the Asgard. Have you had any experience with other races? I believe you are aware of my former command, I would hope to work with them again. How do you feel about our closer neighbors, like the Jaffa or the Tok’Ra?” “I’ve worked closer with the Jaffa than the Tok’ra while we’ve been trying to help them rebuild after the Ori Invasion and helping them establish themselves as one nation with a diplomatic system. Tok’ra of course are a much older race and inhabit less of the stars so I’ve not has much contact with them. They’re two very different races. Jaffa are still not fully used to having this freedom but are loyal and honour bound. Though this does sometimes cause tension with a cool head and propor explanation and understanding anything can usually be solved.” “Tok’ra are difficult to work with for another reason, by necessity they’ve grown to be a secretive race. Though they are also wise, kind and selfless. So both races I look forward to working with and have no problem with. Other than that I’ve just had some contact with some minor world's, those from Hebridan for example.” Kat was warming up to the idea. Sure, there were dozens of archeologists and linguists more to pick from, but not many boffins would probably also be able to do diplomacy, and if she refused Evans, the IOA would eventually push someone less agreeable on board, she was almost certain of that. So unless Atlantis would liberate Dr. Jackson for her mission… “Alright, I believe that would be all for now. Please, have a nice day.” Kat said, taking another file to appear uninterested. As Hannah was walking out, she called out: “I’ll see you on board Ms. Evans.” Hannah stood up, a little disheartened at first until SHE heard the General call out to her. She walked out the room her face beaming, as the excitement of what she was going to do hit her. Now, all she had to do was get herself ready. Though first, where were those files she had been carrying? Then she saw Iona peeking round the corner. “Iona! Get back here!” Smiling at the reaction, Kat picked up a folder from the top of the heap: “NEXT!”