The night was moving slowly for Killashandra, slower than it usually did and each step she took seemed to be a deliberate ticking of the sands through the hour glass for her. The location was different than those that she had dealt with in the past and yet it felt so oddly familiar for one reason or another but she did not let the passing thought dwell in her thoughts; feeling that it was better to let the moments unfold untainted from predetermined assumptions. It was how she went through life, trying to let the current events move her instead of the past even though most every step she took away from the life she had known was driven with the feeling that she had to keep escaping it. Perhaps no matter how much one did not want to judge the present by the past it was inevitable. Pushing inside the chamber there was no additional help with ones vision but thankfully due to Killashandras blood her eyes were able to adjust and see where each foot would fall and to help keep her from running into one of the columns that she passed one by one. Seeing the door ahead she tilted her head to the side as she looked at it closely. It was truly a beautiful piece of art that was carved into the surface even though it was faded. A faint smile graced her lips as she thought about how grand it must have looked when it was initially carved and completed; it must have been stunning for even now it was still very beautiful. Delicate fingers reached out as she clutched her journal in the other hand; grasping the door knocker she let it rap three times against the wood and waited. Killashandra was not expecting a response but then again things were not always what they seemed, she was a perfect example of that. There were people out there, creatures that existed that could easily hide their presence from most; even those out there that could hide their presence from Killashandra but for now she was not trying to reach out in another other plane than the one where she stood, just wanting to simply see if one would answer to the knock or if she would have to push forward and see for herself what lay behind the large wooden door and the weathered knocker. Fingers slowly fell from the knocker and she took a gradual step back so that she was not blocking the door itself if it were to swing open. If something unnerving was to come forth she wanted to keep her option open and to stay so close to the door as she waited cut off some natural movement she could take to flee if needed. If something emerged that was welcome but she unnerved them she wanted to give them the option of the same and to not feel over whelmed by her presence. Such a quiet location in the middle of a forest that looked like it had not seen the touch of a hand in so many years and perhaps even decades or centuries left the imagination to run wild from nothing to anything. “Greetings?” she said as she stood there, letting her voice carry somewhat but for all she knew the door would cut off any sound that would be traveling from passing through it. “Is anyone there?” she added as she waited and her hand came back up and clutched with her other around her journal as she drew a long and deep breath. If there was no response soon she would push forward and open the door to see what lay behind it.