On the 4th of August 2013 the world changed as we knew it... And it will never come back. Watch your group keep track of who walks among you.... The government says that we should stay inside and not open our doors or Windows. Liars. We need to survive: grab supplies, get weapons, find a group...watch that group. If you can do that you can live among..... [Center][H1]The Walking Dead[/h1][/center] Rules: Respect everyone who participates in this You can mention $€X but don't go into massive detail No Godmodding (e.g Jeff beat though a horde of zombies with his fists) [Center][h2]CS[/h2] Name: (Your first and last name) Age: (The age of your character) Weapon: (Your character's weapon of choice) Nationality: (Where your character is from) Relationships: (If your character has a girlfriend/boyfriend -discuss among yourselves) Family: (Your characters family members) Personality: (Your characters personality) History: (Your characters life) Other: (Hobbies,Tattoos,Scars or other important aspects you think you character has) [/center]