[@Mivuli] [@Morte Angelis] [@Mugin] Solenne’s crimson eyes flicked between the conversation between Mia and Blondie and the boy he had pulled up to the stage and noticed an immediate shift in how the kid stood. Solenne cocked an eyebrow as the kid, a newfound confidence in his abilities it seemed, took the mic with Solenne strumming behind him. The Ramone’s would always be close to the old vampire’s hearts, they knew how to be punk without resorting ‘fuck the establishment’ mentality and instead chose a few beautiful topics. The vampire grinned as the kids voice rang out, hard and masculine. Solenne laughed, curious at the sudden change from small timid boy to the guy belting out a Ramones song. The song finished and the kid stepped down to talk to Blondie. Solenne simply continued playing, deciding to continue playing. He figured waiting in the café till Mia was finished wasn't the worst idea he had ever come up with. -----hours pass----- Daliah bounced on her toes, prodding Solenne during her break. The red eyed vampire smiled "Hello Daliah, another issue?" "Nope...just curious about a few things?" Daliah grinned at him, the drawl in her voice rather apparent. It vaguely reminded Solenne of somewhere south. "Oh?" The vampires thin brow raised in question. "So you're a vampire right?" She stated simply. Solenne nodded, curious at the question and where she was going with this "so you don't have a circulation?" Solenne sighed gently, suddenly understanding where the girl was going. "Correct" crimson eyes flicking to Mia, hoping she wasn't listening on this little conversation. "So...uhh...." Daliah fumbled with her question. The bouncing stopped and she was caught thinking. "It works for a few hours after drinking blood" Solenne stated simply. "Oh." -more hours- Solenne flipped the last chair up to rest it on the table, doing menial labour for the café to be clean for the next day and to ensure Mia just needed to do some last counting of stock. He looked outside, the sky having taken on a dark purple. He smiled. The man that had walked ages was helping a small café clean up. All because he was immediately smitten by a beautiful human. He smiled at his soulmate, unsure if he was overstepping boundaries today. He sure hoped he wasn't. A grin on his lips, he hopped up on to the counter. He sat and waited for his soulmate.