Rekugin watched from the corner, leaning on his bow, as the other fighters fought. [color=a187be]“hmm this is gonna be interesting”[/color] he murmurs under his breath. The human witch had been interesting, the Gothi even more so. The elven woman fought well, a bit violent but still a good fighter. He watched as the latest guy beat the Rothkai woman. He had snorted at laughter over the cause of the fight. Gods! He thought them two drunks but the man fought well, especially seeing as both were matched. He looked up and around the room. There were not that many people left. Some were there now just to gamble now, they had put their weapons aside and watched in interest. Rekugin looked at one of the few people still there to join the band. They were all older than him, some by a few years, some by a decade or more. He was going to have to prove that someone so young as himself was worthy to join the group. Cracking his neck, he glanced at the last Gothi left. Not a giant by Gothi standards but one and a half times bigger than Rekugin. The Gothi wore a leather shirt, with a longsword strapped to his back and a pair of hairy leather trousers and boots. He gulped and closed his eyes for a second before exhaling. Raising an arm through the folds of his robe he pointed to him, [color=a187be]“Wanna fight me?”[/color] The Gothi started shaking. It took Rekugin a second to realise the Gothi was laughing. [color=fff200]“You, wanna fight ME! You ‘re ‘alf my size little man. You wouldn’t even be able to touch me, you little fuck.”[/color] Rekugin shook his head [color=a187be]“you know you made two mistakes there. The first you should of declined my offer to fight when you had the chance. The second was insulting me, now we have to fight.” [/color] The Gothi boomed with laughter and stepped toward the ring, [color=fff200]“bring it on. Just know the name of the man who will kill you, Droth’kar” [/color]Rekugin walked up to the ring and ducked beneath the rope. Looking at the ground he grimaced and unclasped his cloak and lay it onto the rope in the corner where the rope met the wall. He hoisted his bow up and looked over at the Gothi who was flexing a few meters away. Rekugin heard a gasp and some laughter come from the crowd of gamblers and onlookers. A few mutters, form various converstions, reached his ears. [color=ed1c24]“a boy……gonna die…kill him…what was he thinking.”[/color] Droth’kar looked up and started laughing as well, [color=fff200]“wanna to leave boy. I’ll let ya, if you say give me a tribute. Tha’ cloak there is good.”[/color] Rekugin just shook his head in response wondering why his mouth was so dry. Taking in a long breath he closed his eyes again for a second and reopened them. He could feel the sand shift slightly underneath him as he shifted his weight from foot to foot. He drew two arrows and held one in his left hand along with his bow and the other he nocked on the string. The Gothi roared [color=fff200]“YOU READY TO DIE”[/color] before raising his sword and lunging at Rekugin. Rekugin flinched and stepped back, bringing a round of laughter from a few onlookers.Staring at Droth’kar he drew the arrow back and snapped of a shot quickly. Not full power but enough for the arrow to whip towards the huge man. Droth’kar noticing the movement of the draw stepped sideways to the left. The arrow hit the bicep of the Gothi, who looked at it and hissed.[color=fff200] “BIG MISTAKE BOY!”[/color] Grabbing the shaft the Gothi snapped the arrow near the head and threw the shaft away. Pacing forward Droth’kar started swinging his sword in small circles in the air. Rekugin let out a shuddering breath he didn’t realize he was holding and drew the second arrow. He snapped of the shot and realized straight away that it was a bad shot. He had snatched after the arrow, causing it to go askew. Realising how close the Gothi was Rekugin threw the bow over to the ropes by his cloak with out looking. The Gothi was a meter from him now and was swinging with a sword. Gasping Rekugin dove sideways and landed in the sand. Feeling the blade swish over him he felt a tingle in his left calf where the blade had made a shallow but long cut. Scrambling up he drew the two blades from the sheaths on his back and held them with the blades facing down. The Gothi roared and swung the sword down again causing Rekugin to leap backwards to avoid being clashed in two. Feeling the wall, Rekugin pushed off it towards the Gothi as he hoisted the blade up again. Inside the arc of the Gothi’s blade Rekugin slashed at the stomach of Gothi with the two blades parallel. Two lines of blood appeared and a steady trickle of blood started flowing from the wounds. Rekugin gave a satisfied smile and stepped sideways and away from the Gothi. The Gothi checked the wound to see that it was a minor wound. Roaring like a bull, he charged Rekugin, who was trying to get his bow, catching him unaware. Tackling him and knocking the blades out of Rekugin’s hands, he crushed the elf in a bear hug. Rekugin felt the armour he was wearing shifting, and buckling under the pressure. He was struggling to breathe as the air was forced out of his lungs. [color=fff200]“TIME TO DIE BOY!” [/color]was yelled in his ear but to him it sounded miles away. With his arms pinned to his side he struggled to find a way to fight back. Feeling the feathers on the quivers on his sides, he pulled an arrow from each and worked them up into his palms as quickly as he could. Stabbing backwards, he caught the Gothi in the thighs; twisting the arrows, he pushed them harder and harder on his last breaths of air. The Gothi grunted with pain but kept squeezing, leaning forward to crush the armour harder. He could see everything tingeing with red. Thrashing he jerked his head back caught the Gothi in the nose. Droth’kar gasped with surprise and let go of the elf. Rekugin fell to the floor yanking out one of the arrows form the thigh of Droth'kar, as the Gothi backed away in pain. Rekugin laying on the ground gasping for breath knew he had to act quickly. He could feel the armour he was wearing was warped and felt it pushing his chest in. [color=fff200]“That’s it. I'm going to make you die screaming, you little shit!”[/color] The Gothi stormed back to his sword and snatched it up and charged at Rekugin. Crawling towards his bow Rekugin snatched it up and turned around to face the Gothi on one knee. He had one of the arrows from before still in his hand, nocked, and drew it. With a scream, the Gothi was upon him and raised the sword executioner style to chop Rekugin into bits. Rekugin released the arrow with eyes closed, waiting for the blade. The blade never came and Rekugin opened his eyes and glanced up. His arrow had gone through the screaming mouth of Droth’kar and lodged into his brain. The arrows broadhead had come out of the skull with a bit of brain still attached. Droth’kar toppled sideways into the sand. Rekugin remained there panting before finally forcing himself to his feet and undoing the straps of his iron armour, he placed it at his feet. Stepping over the huge Gothi he went and retrived his blades and sheathed them. Returning to the rope he grabbed is cloak and threw it over his shoulders and refastened it with a knot and an iron ring. Bending down to pick is bow and armour he stepped over the rope and limped over to the table. [color=8882be]“I better be in after that.”[/color] He growled before sitting down and wincing