Before Eustace could attack anymore of the thugs, a woman wearing glasses had come to hit Arashi over the head, signifying the end of the test. He had to admit, not being able to fight more of them seemed disappointing. Fighting was always so much fun! Impressively, the newcomer had easily been able to knock out Arashi with a simple kick which looked almost painful to look at. Anyone that looked at Eustace's eyes could easily tell that the lady had instantly gained his respect and admiration...he hoped Arashi was still alright after that. Either way, he still needed a few questions. [color=f7941d]"Hey Ms.Kick, what's nen?"[/color] The term had been used by Arashi, but he had never actually explained what the word meant. He had also picked out a nickname for the woman, a tendency of his whenever someone managed to get his friendship or respect. [color=f7941D]"And how'd all those guys get on the ship?"[/color] He hadn't seen them use any sort of vehicle to invade the ship, in fact, it seemed like they had popped out of nowhere! Eustace hoped she could answer his questions, his head hurt just thinking about them.