[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/uECRs3U.gif[/img][/center] [color=#BDB76B][b]Name:[/b][/color] Sasha Belov [color=#BDB76B][b]Possible Nick Name:[/b][/color] Not really [color=#BDB76B][b]Age:[/b][/color] 32 [color=#BDB76B][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=#BDB76B][b]Date of Birth:[/b][/color] September 21, 1983 [color=#BDB76B][b]Place of Birth:[/b][/color] Kazan, Russia [color=#BDB76B][b]Nationality:[/b][/color] Russian [color=#BDB76B][b]Gang Affiliations:[/b][/color] He only gets involved with them if he needs something. No really fucks with him, so he doesn't need their protection. [color=#BDB76B][b]Conviction:[/b][/color] Charged with several accounts of murder in the US. He's guilty of plenty more worldwide, including war crimes and other such heinous acts. [color=#BDB76B][b]Sentence:[/b][/color] Life without chance of parole. [color=#BDB76B][b]Parole:[/b][/color] N/A [color=#BDB76B][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Sasha is a nasty piece of work. This is not a man that's being kept here to be rehabilitated. Sasha is being kept here to die, and do as little damage as possible until then. According to the prison psychologist, the man exhibits borderline psychopathic traits, from his ability to appear charming and charismatic, to the sheer lack of remorse he shows for the things that he's done. During his three years at the prison, Sasha has managed to get on the good side of several of the guards, slept with at lease one nurse, and has won over several of the kitchen staff. He turns on the charm enough to get what he wants, and often times, it works. If he wasn't dressed in a bright orange jumpsuit, no one would know that he was a vicious murderer. His uncanny ability to make it appear as though he actually cares about someone is impeccable. Many of his fellow inmates resent him for this; they call him a kiss up. Sasha doesn't pay them much mind though; if it works, it works. [color=#BDB76B][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Sasha is a very large man. He stands five inches short of seven feet tall, solidly built and muscular. He has pale skin and dirty blonde hair that is kept in a neat [url=http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/30000000/Kevin-in-Lost-The-Constant-kevin-durand-30081239-853-480.jpg]buzz cut[/url]. His eyes are a gray-ish blue. Sasha has several tattoos, one being the simplified bird seen in [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/lostpedia/images/d/db/Lost-20080304004033705.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20080305133544]this picture.[/url] His large, intimidating appearance keeps those who would like to beat his insufferable smirk off his face at bay. He's already put several inmates in the hospital for trying to pick fights with him. Putting him in solitary seems to have no real effect. [color=#BDB76B][b]Other:[/b][/color] He talks with a light accent, having lost most of it during his travels, He's picked up several languages from around the world, but English if his best by far. Sasha often speaks in a calm, quiet tone, almost never raising his voice. [color=#BDB76B][b]History:[/b][/color] Sasha grew up in Kazan, Russia. His mother had been a drug addict, and overdosed when Sasha was 5. He was left to be raised by his father, who fell into depression after the loss of his wife. The man was an alcoholic, and a violent one at that. After Sasha's mother had died, his father had essentially lost interest in being a father. He would often invite his equally drunken friends over to watch soccer games, drink, and play poker while Sasha hid in his room and pretended not to exist. Sasha wanted to get out of the house as soon as he could, and joining the military seemed like the best option. However, Sasha had something of an authority issue when he was younger. His father's abuse had turned him into a rebellious little shit. But after five years of service, the military seemed to have worked it out of him. He eventually quit the military to go private when he decided that he just wasn't making enough money. Why risk his life for crappy army pay when he could get more? So Sasha began his new profession as a mercenary. He traveled the world, fighting in places such as Iraq and Uganda. He did his fair share of dirty deeds over the years. He eventually rolled out of the war business and began working in a more specialized field. Sasha hired himself out to rich people who wanted their enemies dead. This is what brought him to the US. He traveled around the states, committing your run of the mill hits all the way to political assassinations. He was finally captured after finished a hit on a senator, and was tried for his crimes. Once investigators got involved, his dirty laundry was slowly drug out all over the news and in court. It became clear that Mr. Belov was not your typical hit and pay assassin; he was an international war criminal. The verdict was made to imprison him in the state that he was tried for murder in, but there are currently several countries trying to get him exported so that they can see justice served. This has kept Sasha off death row for three years, his sentence buried so deep in red tape that the prison is unable to execute him. This suits him just fine. [center][img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/2cfcc1333d2417211c15feff41943f0f/tumblr_nl1q1dw7nb1tkap96o3_400.gif[/img][/center]