[center] [hider=Real Life: Erika Mitsuki] [center][img]http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=25935721[/img] [hider=But with glasses like these] [img]http://s1.favim.com/orig/140327/anime-anime-girl-bampw-black-Favim.com-1555260.jpg[/img][/hider] Height: 5'2 Weight: 126lbs Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Blue Name: Erika Mitsuki Age: 15 History: Erika comes from a long line of successful Deep Ground online players. Each of them has made their own legacy throughout the generations and hailed for their skill in combat. Though not every family member has chosen alliance with them in the past, the Mitsuki family has, for the most part, fought for the White King. Even her parents, who were a berserker and a rogue, met whilst fighting for the white king at the time and in doing so earned themselves a comfy upper middle class living. A consistency that has been going on for generations with mild influxes now and again when someone in her family specifically achieves a steep victory. Not uncommon, and quite to be expected from a Mitsuki these days. Her family, all in all, is and was highly regarded in Deep Ground. Thus, when Erika was given the game for her birthday, she quickly felt herself pressured into playing and to join the white king's guild to continue the legacy of their great achievements. But rather than diving headfirst into the game like her brother Hito had, she put it on the backburner in favor of reading, working, studying, etc--much to the gray hairs of her parents. She barely played the game for two years until recently, when her concerned brother and father sat her down and told her the importance of playing the game. After much disdain, she at last picked it up and began to play it; if not only for the sake of her family. She attends Purple crown academy but remains mostly a loner, favoring books to people and manages to retain mostly straight A's. [img]http://embed.polyvoreimg.com/cgi/img-thing/size/y/tid/38375611.jpg[/img] [sub]Erika, as she most likely appeared in the Deep Ground dungeon.[/sub] :::UPDATE::: After a fight with [@LuciusCypher] 's sweeper avatar, Arms Slave, Erika's in game avatar simply... vanished into code. Ordinarily, it would have been the case that it shuts you out of the game until you're recovered in real time. In this bizarre case, however, Erika Mitsuki did not wake up. News of her going missing went all around the school which had the habit of harassing her for joining their guilds, making her a big piece of the puzzle missing from Purple Crown Academy. A week after her announcement of being missing, an in-game glitch appeared. Erika Mitsuki appeared, in her own image, within one of the Deep Ground dungeons. Her presence caused the entire dungeons code to go haywire, sending objects into a frenzy until the game crashed around the present avatars, they were able to glimpse an ominous presence wrap its arms around the image of Erika. A message from the game afterwards led them to her in the real world, a hospital. There, her brother and her body was found. The Mitsuki girl had been put into a coma from whatever event transpired the day of her fight with Arms Slave. Hitoru, Erika's brother, was distraught and confused by what the attacked avatars were able to tell him of what they saw. Enraged, Hitoru went into Deep Ground and fought against Corpse Collector, unsuccessfully, and retreated to come up with a new plan. Before he was able to make it back, the war had come to a conclusion. With the defeat of the Corpse Collector, Erika Mitsuki was awakened from her coma. No one was more overjoyed than Hitoru himself, and her presence at school was well received. Her harassers had turned into her friends from all walks of the colored kingdoms and her popularity has risen in a positive light. Since waking up, the Game Developers of Deep Ground have approached her with interviews, and have promised to keep an eye on her from here on out. It would be tragic should such an event like a coma spring up from Deep Ground again, afterall. Erika is looking more positively to her future and growing more confident every day, even able to participate more actively in Deep Ground without problem. In the days that she's been awake, she's put all her effort into doing well, avoiding the Civil War of the white guild in favor of building her skill, making new friendships and getting into her schoolwork. At this point in time she is undoubtedly one of the most, if not the most popular [i]unaligned [/i]individuals of Purple Crown Academy. Personality: Erika is a very shy girl, only really talking once someone has approached her, leaving her with basically no friends. She is lazy when it comes to social events, trying to make friends, or playing Deep Ground; and chooses to mostly focus on studying thing in school. She's the type of person that the more you try to pressure into something, the more she wants to steer clear of it. She often finds herself with a lot of weight on her shoulders and often dodging it to disappear in town for a few hours. Erika loves reading romance novels and fantasizes about being swept off her feet even though she's self conscious enough to know that it's just "A stupid fairytale that will never happen." She lack in self confidence and ambition; much to her family's frustrations. [img]http://embed.polyvoreimg.com/cgi/img-thing/size/l/tid/104778291.jpg[/img] [sub]Erika with her renewed confidence.[/sub] :::UPDATE::: With the events having taken place of her coma, Erika has become more confident and outspoken with a certain mischievous sparkle in her eye. She still possesses her habit of disappearing often, but now it's to dip into town with a crew of friends to hang out, or to her home to focus on her studies, or to spend time in deep ground with her brother. She still loves romance novels and bears a large crush on the Red King that at last she intends to come forward with. Truly, since her time in her coma, she has been able to turn herself around and believing in the miracles she once thought were plain stupid. [/center] [/hider] [hider=Deep Ground Avatar: Azga the Amazing] [center] [img]http://www.miccostumes.com/images/path-products/image-ragnarok_online_high_wizard_man_cosplay_costume_big.jpg/&width=400&height=500[/img] Avatar Class: Healer - Witch Doctor Avatar Title: Azga the Amazing Avatar Level: 5 Avatar Guild: Undecided Avatar Abilities: [u]Fashionably Late[/u] - Azga can choose to sit out of a battle for as long as he wishes, and upon deciding to enter the battlefield the enemy is given a temporary paralysis status curse that his fighting comrades can take advantage of. Can only be used once per battle. [u]Cat Nap[/u] - Azga can select one player in a battle to put to sleep for the rest of the battle. Unfortunately, that status is reflected onto him as well. This leaves Azga unable to help his comrades and more vulnerable, but it also removes a player from the battle and leaves them open for attack as well. Typically used in the middle of a battle. [u]A-P-P-L-A-U-S-E[/u] - A Quick Time Event in which the outcome is determined literally by how much his comrades applaud him. Enables a cut scene unique to the fighting situation and the turnout is variable. At best, enemies are laden with a myriad of status ailments while any placed on his comrades are removed (including poison, sleep, paralyzed, stone, confusion, etc). At it's lowest, it backfires miserably with many status ailments placed on his own comrades that he must then work to undo for the rest of the battle. Can only be used once every 72 hours real time. [img]http://fc03.deviantart.com/fs23/i/2007/362/0/4/Drifter_of_Ice_Wizard_by_Yue_Iceseal.jpg[/img] [sub]One of Azga's interchangeable costumes.[/sub] Avatar Feats: [u]Resurrection:[/u] Magic skill that lets you revive a dead ally after a five-second casting time. Has a ten-minute cooldown. [u]Spectral Body:[/u] Support skill that turns your body into an arcane mist, rendering you immune to physical damage for ten seconds. You cannot cast magic during this time, and the skill has a ten-minute cooldown. [u]Empower:[/u] A support skill that allows you to target yourself or your ally. Their next skill will be twice as effective, cost half as much to use, and cools down twice as fast. Five minute cool down. [img]http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j66/riku_jennifer/pretty%20anime/girls134.jpg[/img] [sub]Erika during one of the glitches that caused her to appear as herself, as an in-game witch doctor.[/sub] Other: Erika uses Azga as an alter ego to be exactly what she wishes she COULD be; amazing. As Azga she completely changes up her personality and attitude to be a snarky, sassy, confident mage who doesn't need anybody to make him feel important or happy. She turns into a complete show off and loves it. Her affection for the game is growing since it allows her to be... well, anything but herself. :::UPDATE::: After grinding it out with her brother outside of the civil war events that occurred after her coma, Azga (and thus Erika) have leveled up and is working harder to do so all the time. There are times when her avatar experiences strange interruptions. Thus far only minor things have occurred--her showing up as her real life self in her avatars clothes, glitching through what would be one-hit-kills by enemies, one time appearing as a warrior and not a witch doctor, and so on. She doesn't have any control over these... glitches. They seem to come at random and at very convenient times. She has also gained party members that she leaves and gains at random with her brother being the only constant as her increased popularity in the real world has allowed her to pair up with others at times. Azga's canon voice (when not glitching out to be Erika) is Sosuke Aizen's from Bleach, english dub [/center] [/hider] [hr] [hider=Real Life: Hitoru Mitsuki] Appearance (Real Life): [img]http://static.zerochan.net/Until.the.Bitter.End.full.592897.jpg[/img] Height: 5'11" Weight: 190lbs Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Red Name: Hitoru "Hito" Mitsuki Age: 17 History: The older brother to Erika Mitsuki, Hito has been put under similar pressures that his little sister has. However, He's taken it more in stride with only a slight rebel attitude in joining the Cobalt Bruisers rather than the traditional family guild, the Ivory Masks. Though he's a bit of a delinquent and frequently gets into trouble in school by means of pranks and skipping class at Purple Crown Academy altogether. Somehow though, he always manages a perfect score on his tests. Recently, with the events occurring with his sister slipping into her coma a few days ago, Hito has become more serious. He's been seen sleuthing around Purple Crown academy more often than usual, investigating the events that happened before his sister went comatose after a simple game of Deep Ground. He doesn't know what happened, but he's beginning to suspect it has something to do with the [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2898344]Red King.[/url] He's been on Deep Ground more frequently as well, scouring the score boards to try to learn just who Erika's avatar was so he could learn exactly what occurred. Personality: On the regular, Hito is a prankster. He loves nothing more than to cause mischeif and mayhem, hang with his friends and casually break the rules. He's also a fond lover of surprises and enjoys showing off his intellect and talents whenever he can. Due to recent events, he's become more serious. Taking up a detectives persona, he believes he can trace what happened to his sister before the Mitsuki's Private Eye can. He is arrogant, cocky, but he cares very much for those close to him and won't rest until his sister is brought back. [/hider] [hider=Deep Ground Avatar: Dovev the Unseen] Appearance (Avatar): [img]http://pre09.deviantart.net/7995/th/pre/i/2011/024/f/d/voodoo_assassin_by_ninjatic-d37z27z.jpg[/img] Avatar Class: Rogue Assassin Avatar Title: Dovev the Unseen Avatar Level: 6 Avatar Guild: Cobalt Bruisers Avatar Abilities: [hider=Avatar Feats] [u]Assassination:[/u] Sneak attacks do double damage. Not applicable if already in combat. [u]Grim Stride:[/u] Your movements make no noise. [u]Silenced:[/u] Your weapons make no noise. [u]Smoke Bomb:[/u] You release a blinding cloud of smoke, disabling anyone’s ability to see within except you. You are effectively in sneak mode, but still susceptible to getting hit if someone tries to attack.[/hider] [i][u]He's Electric![/u][/i] - An avatar with a cyborg arm, when paired with his 'Silenced' Avatar feat, makes no noise when using projectile electricity shot from his arm against an enemy. [u]Nightvision[/u] - One cyborg eye allows Dovev the Unseen to creep through complete and utter darkness to sneak up on his enemies. [u]Chipped Armor[/u] - Cyborg eye can detect vital points, finds player weakness. [u]Optical Illusion[/u] - Though Dovevs sword is quite long, depending on the range of the attack it can change by elongating or shrinking as much as battle deserves. Meaning he can go from slicing an avatars throat to impaling a flying object far ahead of him in the air as he chooses. Other: [color=DarkTurquoise]Dialogue Text Color[/color] Permission to start at level 6 granted by The Windel [/hider] [/center]