Alister breathed softly against her bruised neck, a rather calming and pleasant feeling coursing through him as he'd slowly been filled with strength and an indescribable warmth he had long forgotten over his lengthy lifespan. His mind didn't need to endlessly worry over what he might do to scrape by in that moment, his supposed unending hunger had been sated. Surely it was only for a moment until he felt it rush back, but there wasn't a need to think of that now. There was comfort, there wasn't a need to desperately cling to humanity, pretending and fooling people day by day. Alister's gaze slowly flickered upwards at Aria's face, the adorable face being infatuated by what Alister was and is. Yet he didn't scare her off, she didn't turn on him the second she wandered out the door. Alister would even have had accepted his death at that point, just knowing the kindness of such a stranger was good enough to merely let himself slip and vanish, unmentioned in any of the current history books... At least with his current name. Whatever his reason for wanting to stay, they were more than just mundane. "I do, Aria... I really do." Alister smiled gently, slowly pushing his palms into the gentle bedding as he hovers slightly over her. His red eyes staring deeply into hers while they share the bed. His chest on top of hers while he could feel her heart beat, feel and hear the woman's warm breath. Alister eventually reached one of his hands, carefully reaching to brush through her soft locks, guiding it slowly along before slowly trailing it down to gently cup her cheek. "Mm... Had I not been taken in by you at that time you did... I might've been at the mercy of someone less kind, someone less understanding."