Working on my character. I just need some nice idea's for implants and a little guidance for the history. I would like a year in which the RP takes place so that I can come up with some likely conflicts and wars :) [hider=Work in progress] [color=FF8C00][h3]The Soul[/h3][/color] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][i]Thomas length of 6'2 feet he is above avarage even for Dutch males. His build is athletic without being overly muscled. His dark blond hair and facial hair are not to well maintained. His clothing generally consists of a black tight fitting T-shirt, some form of utility pants with lots of pockets, a belt holding his equipment and army boots. Everything is covered by a long black leather jacket. [/i][/center] [color=FF8C00][u][b]Name:[/b][/u][/color] Thomas Van der Berg [color=FF8C00][u][b]Age:[/b][/u][/color] 31 [color=FF8C00][u][b]Gender:[/b][/u][/color] Male [color=FF8C00][u][b]Nationality:[/b][/u][/color] Dutch [color=FF8C00][h3]The Body[/h3][/color] [color=FF8C00][u][b]Profession: [/b][/u][/color] Unemployed. Former Dutch Special forces member (Korps Commandotroepen) [color=FF8C00][u][b]Notable Traits:[/b][/u][/color] [color=FF8C00]Trained Special forces member[/color] Thomas is an excellently trained special forces operative. He is proficient with a veraity of small arms such as pistols and assault rifles. Thomas is also trained in hand to hand combat and knife fighting. Other area's of his military training include tracking, map reading and paradrops. [color=FF8C00]Demolitions specialist:[/color] Thomas specialized in demolitions and explosives during his special forces career. He is trained to plant explosives for entries and destroying infrastructure. Another part of his role was spotting and disarming enemy explosives that might be a danger to his team and the mission. Thomas Van der Berg is also an expert in making booby-traps [color=FF8C00][u][b]Flaws:[/b][/u][/color] [color=FF8C00]Shellshocked[/color] Thomas suffers from post traumatic stress disorder. He cannot go to sleep without having nightmares about what he experienced as a soldier and also suffers from insomnia. Often he gets sudden flashbacks about past experiences or even psychoses where he relives his past experiences and struggles as a soldier. His PTSD also causes violent outbursts and occasional uncontrolled aggression rendering Thomas unable to function in civilian society. [color=FF8C00]Paranoid[/color] Thomas suffers from a severe case of paranoia. He distrusts anyone and believes that former targets and associates of past military missions are out there looking for him. His paranoia is expressed in that he constantly prepares for a confrontation with his imagined enemies. He believes that they are constantly watching him and following him around. In response Thomas has booby-trapped his appartment and created secret hide-out and stockpiles throughout The City. His paranoia also greatly alianated him from his friends and family as he is no longer able to form bonds of trusts. [color=FF8C00]Depressed:[/color] Thomas suffers from depression. He struggles with himself over the fact that he was discharged from the military over psychological reasons. He sees that as a personal failure, being unworthy of being a soldier. His depression has let him to push away people and create a distance between him and others. Thomas does not feel a need to connect with others and is a loner who quietly struggles with himself everyday. [color=FF8C00][u][b]Inventory:[/b][/u][/color] [color=FF8C00]Thomas always carries the following equipment on him.[/color] * Glock 20 - pistol * Tactical folding knife * Leatherman MUT EOD multitool * Mini Maglite flashligt. [color=FF8C00]In his appartment he has the following items hidden:[/color] * Bugout bag with 72 hours of rations, medkit, waterpurification kit, flashlight, ferrocerium rod, spare clothing, rainclothing, machette, duct tape and rope. * Heckler and Koch MP7 submachinegun. * Home made explosives such as smoke bombs, petrol bombs and pipebombs. [color=FF8C00][u][b]Cybernetic Implants:[/b][/u][/color] [color=FF8C00]Thales WCI225 wireless communication brain implant:[/color] The E225 is an implant that is directly connected to the users brain. It provides wireless spoken communication services with other users that closely resemble thelepathy. Sounds and spoken words are directly processed in the implant and are never heard outside of the users body. [color=FF8C00]Thales Digital eyesight improvement:[/color] The Thales DEI retina implant allows Thomas access to features such as zoom function, nightvision and infrared vision. It used to have a digital uplink to various Dutch government and NATO databases for facial recognition and display of digital information but these connection have been cut since leaving the Dutch army. [color=FF8C00][h3]The Mind[/h3][/color] [color=FF8C00][u][b]History:[/b][/u][/color] Thomans Van den Berg is born in Oirschot. A small dutch village that hosts one of the largest military bases of The Netherlands. He was born into a family with a long military tradition. His grand father served the country, his father was a colonel in the army and his two elder brothers where both career soldiers. Comming from such background it would only be natural that Thomas would join the Dutch armed forces as well. However after finishing highschool he innitially made a different choice much to the discontend of his father. By the age of 18 Thomas decided to study chemistry at the Technical University of Delft. Innitially he enjoyed college life but soon found out that he was missing something. Inside the young man was this lust for adventure, a desire to explore the world and leave the savety of the Dutch society. As the years passed by Thomas gained more interest in the military through stories his father and his two brothers. He started make plans to join the armed forces after graduating and would spend a lot of time in the gym working on his strenght and stamina. As Thomas become more focussed on getting into the military his grades started to drop and he found himself no longer motivated into getting his bachelor in chemistry. At the end of the 3th year he decided to drop out and enlisted into the Dutch armed forces. During the basic training course he caught the attention of the instructors because of his physical fittness and discipline. He managed to get top scores on many aspects of the first training course. This is when his instructors suggested to apply to the Korps Commandotroepen (Special Forces) after finishing basic training. He managed to get through the various selection and training courses and received his green barret 1 year later. With solid knowledge of chemistry the specialisation in demolitions came only natural. By the age of 23 Thomas was ready for his first actual combat deployment. His first mission was in Sudan as part of a United Nations peace keeping force against radical islamic militants. Western media would call it a peace keeping mission because that would sell better to the public but in reality it was a bloody war. It was in Sudan that Thomas got his first taste of the dark nature of mankind. The militants left a trail of death and destruction that was unprecedented. But there was something more confronting then the brutality of the militants. When Thomas pulled the trigger for his first confirmed kill, he felt nothing as he watched the man give his last breath. The fact that it did not do anything to him made Thomas realize that his soul had also a dark side. After Sudan Thomas went on several other succesfull missions in Iran, Russia and Venezuela. However, everytime he closed his eyes, images of his missions flashed before his eyes. He could not go to sleep without dreaming about his experiences. At times Thomas would wake up thinking he was still in the wars he'd fought. As time went on he realized that he could no longer relax while being at home. As tension build up within his body, Thomas started to develop anger issues as he was no longer able to control his emotions. Relations with his family started to deteriorate and soon he started to get into conflicts with is commanding officers. After one of such incidents he was forced to undergo a psychological review and got diagnosed with PTSD. As treatment did not improve his situation Thomas was discharded with the highest possible honors by the age of 29. No longer part of the military and suffering from PTSD Thomas had to addapt to the civilian life but failed to do so. However his life would take another turn for the worst. Roughly six months after his discharge a large hack of government data hit the news. An unkown hacker managed to get his hands on a large number of classified where put upon the net for all to see. These documents included many debriefings of military missions. Data such as which soldiers where involved in what mission including personal information such as addresses and phone numbers suddenly became publicly known. Thomas started to increasingly fear that the leaked information would have fallen into the wrong hands. The fear of retalliation against him personally made Thomas leave his country behind in order to lay low in The City. [color=FF8C00][u][b]Personality:[/b][/u][/color] Thomas personality can be described as cold, distant and to the point. He does not enjoy chit chat or needless conversations. He does not like o talk about himself or the past. Emotions and feelings always look absent from an onlookers perspective. However Thomas struggles greatly with himselfs and his PTSD but effectively keeps this hidden for the outside world. Thomas works calmly and methodically through the challanges of the world as expected of a former professional soldier. However due to the post traumatic stress dissorder his behavior can change rapidly resulting in to outbursts of violence and rae that seem to come out of nowhere. At times he suffers from flashbacks and psychoses making him thing he's on some former battlefield. Paranoia towards the people that surround him is often the greatest when psychosis struck. [color=FF8C00][u][b]Motivation:[/b][/u][/color] The moment Thomas received his honorable discharge from the Dutch military was the moment that his life collapsed. Serving his country ment everything to the man but the psychological tests said he was no longer able to perform his duties as a soldier. Ever since leaving the Special Forces he struggled to addapt to civilian life and to overcome his PTSD. Never content about the quiet civilian live he once more longes for the thrills of war, being at the front again and play his role in something bigger. [color=FF8C00][u][b]Character Goals:[/b][/u][/color] Thomas wants to prove to himself that he is still capable of performing his duties as a soldier. One day he hopes to return to the military. [/hider]