So yeah, I'm not continuing "You're walking through a woods" and will instead be doing this game, which should go a lot quicker. The system for this game is a homebrew thing I'm trying based off a tabletop game (Dread RPG), but I figured this system is too simple to bother starting this in the tabletop forum. [hider= How The Game Will Work ] Dread is a survival horror game in which the players are dropped into a horrible situation and must constantly leave their own survival up to chance, with their odds of surviving starting out high but slowly decreasing. In the normal game, you play a game of Jenga (With the GM demanding you pull a Jenga piece whenever your survival is being tested) and whenever someone knocks the tower down, they're out of the game. As we obviously can't play Jenga online, I'm going to try using a shared dice pool. As the game begins, we will have a dice pool of 100. When someone has to make their first roll, I will roll 1d100. If the roll comes up 2-100, they succeed and survive, if it comes up 1, they're out of the game and their character either dies or is removed from play in some other (usually bad) way. Once the roll has been made, the dice pool decreases to 99, and the next roll made would be 1d99 and so on and so forth. I might ask for multiple rolls depending on the difficulty of whatever it is the player is trying to do. The dice pool can also increase, if a player is taken out of play it will go up a bit and it might also increase as a reward for certain IC actions (For example, you might get some extra rolls for saving an endangered NPC). [b]Rolling is always optional.[/b] Unless I specifically say "You're character will be out of play if you do not make this roll", it is assumed that you continue playing if you choose not to roll; however, depending on the situation, you [b]choosing not to roll could make things much worse for everyone in your group[/b], resulting in you ultimately having to make more rolls to survive. Alternatively, you can choose to make rolls on things that don't seem to have any direct connection to your survival, which could result in you wasting a roll or ultimately having to make less rolls to survive. [center][b]For Example[/b][/center] GM: You see a shadowy figure in the distance. (DP = 10) Player: Examine it. GM: That will take a roll, still want to do it? Player: Yep GM: You succeed (DP = 9). It has the appearance of a wolf, you also notice that it is heading straight for you. If you want to try and get away, it will take a roll. Player: Do not roll. Stand still. GM: You stand still as the creature approaches, it is a few feet away from you now. If you want to try escaping, it will take three rolls. Player: Fuck that, do nothing. GM: It starts attacking you. It will take five rolls to survive its attack and escape, if you do not roll you will die. Player: I'll sacrifice myself to give the other players better odds of surviving. Do not roll. GM: You die. (DP = 15) Players (If this gets more than five players) will be separated into groups of five. Everyone in the group will share the same dice pool and be put in the same situation. That group's game will end when either everyone in it is removed from play (AKA players lose) or all still-playing members make it out (AKA players win). Surviving will not be an easy task and will require the all the players of a group to choose how they use their rolls wisely. [/hider] [hider= How to Join ] Post in here: [b]Join game[/b] [b]Name: [/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Job:[/b] The games will be set in modern times, so what does your character do for a living? You're character will have less difficulty doing things related to their work experience. [b]Setting:[/b] What sort of horror situation would you like to experience. You won't necessarily get what you asked for, but it does give me an idea of what you want, And I will write you in once I make an IC thread, if there is a surplus of players you will be sorted into multiple groups. As one player being a dick could waste rolls for their entire group, people I know to be trolls won't be allowed to play. If a player seems like they're purposefully making bad decision and costing the group rolls, I'll make sure they're removed from play quickly and that it doesn't have too much of an impact on everyone else's survival. [/hider] This thread will act as the OOC for the game. If you have any questions, post them here.