[@MetalLover]It reads that WW3 ends in 2040 (used to be 2030 in the previous game). When did it start, though? Anyways, posting my former NS. It only really needs a bit of touch-up with dates and bits of the history. [hider=Kingdom of Neo Hungaria] [center][h1][color=1a7b30][b]Kingdom of Neo Hungaria[/b][/color][/h1][/center][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/kV1Sitv.jpg[/img][/center] [color=1a7b30][u][b][h3]Quick Summary[/h3][/b][/u][/color][color=1a7b30][b]Name:[/b][/color] Regni Novum Hungaricum, Kingdom of Neo Hungaria, Az Új Magyar Királyság [color=1a7b30][b]Type of Government:[/b][/color] Constitutional Monarchy [color=1a7b30][b]Territories:[/b][/color] [url=http://i.imgur.com/kdGXD1A.jpg]Check out in the link[/url] [color=1a7b30][b]Territory Claims:[/b][/color] Hungary, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, bits of Austria and Ukraine [color=1a7b30][b]Population:[/b][/color] 83,234,202 (according to the 2049 census) [color=1a7b30][b]Demographics:[/b][/color] 48.8% Hungarian, 34.1% Slavish, 4.7% Germanic, 12.4% Other [color=1a7b30][b]Religion:[/b][/color] 59.7% Christian, 12.6% Muslim, 6.8% Hindi/Buddhist, 3.2% Other and 17.7% Atheist [color=1a7b30][u][b][h3]Fictional History[/h3][/b][/u][/color]Starting from the recession in 2008 Hungary gradually became discontent with the European Union which eventually peaked in 2018 when suddenly the ultranationalist Hungarian Unity Novation party won the elections. Lead by Charles Esterhazy they soon left the union just before introducing the new currency and began to work on a new independent and strong country. This overall hurt the Hungarian international relations but the reforms also managed to fix the countless issues and inequalities which baned the country for decades. On the other hand Hungary gradually turned into something closer to a dictatorship lead by the HUN party. This incurred the disapproval of the other nations but given the current worldwide situation nobody had time to deal with Hungary. Then the war broke out, or more like a chaotic combination of several different wars which is now referred as World War III. China, EU, Russia, USA and countless more nations found themselves locked in the most destructive war of all history. All but Hungary which retained their neutrality through the whole time. As the war died down many nations were in ruins, a situation the Hungarian leadership immediately abused. Through the decades they were improving their military and in just a few months prior to the official end of World War III the Hungarian armies finally took action. In the name of correcting the injustice of Trianon they conquered all the neighboring countries at rapid pace, meeting only minimal resistance. By the peace talks in 2031 Hungary had already became as large as it used to be during WW1 if not even greater. Abusing the chaotic atmosphere Hungary even used this occasion to declare the legitimacy of their new nation, called Neo Hungaria. Inviting the current Duke of Croy (Reinhard), the last known descendant from House Árpád, to be Hungary's king they created the Kingdom of Neo Hungaria. The first decade of the Kingdom was a troubled one, the ethnical-national friction was the source of various uprisings which the radical political party throttled with sheer might and resulted in bloodbaths. Yet gradually things were changing after the retirement of Reinhard and coronation of his son Mathias III. Unlike his father Mathias was a skilled politician and his reign brought stability. He promoted multiculturalism and a national identity which acknowledged everyone in the country regardless of their tongue or ethnicity as Hungarian. As such he turned around the ongoing nationalist propaganda and extended it to people who previously were viewed as the oppressed. This change eventually resulted in the current face of Neo Hungaria. [color=1a7b30][u][b][h3]Politics/Society[/h3][/b][/u][/color]As its name suggests Neo Hungaria is a monarchy ruled by their king. The current regent is Mathias III, aged 42. He's the son of the late king Reinhard von Croy and direct descendant of the Arpád Dynasty. He was born in Belgium but spent most of his life in Hungary and later adopted the name Korona Mátyás (Mathias Crown). The main decision-making body of Neo Hungaria is the Parliament which is mostly dominated by the right-wing Hungarian Unity Novation (HUN) party albeit their authority is far less absolute compared to the past. In every four years the members of the Parliament are decided by vote although the system isn't completely clean. Hungarian is the the country's official language albeit given the large diversity of ethnicities and nationalities within Neo Hungaria they also support schools in other languages and people can do administrative duties in up to 11 tongues. Multiculturalism is prevalent albeit Hungarians subtly still enjoy some preferential treatment.[hider=Portrait of King Mathias III][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0f/Kaiser_Wilhelm_II.jpg[/img][/hider][hider=Current Prime Minister - Duke Bethlen Béla][img]http://application.denofgeek.com/pics/film/tash04.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=1a7b30][u][b][h3]Economy[/h3][/b][/u][/color]Neo Hungaria remained neutral through the entire length of WW3 which allowed them to survive these years relatively intact. Their neighbors were not so lucky and as Neo Hungaria conquered them it also had an impact on their economy. Their conquest was fueled by nationalist propaganda about restoring Hungary of the past yet in effect it also bore strategic importance. Many of the old kingdom's richest agricultural fields and allocation of natural resources were held by foreign countries. Reparations and war-waging costs were expensive but turned out to be rewarding on the long run. With these Neo Hungaria became an economic powerhouse compared to the rest of Europe. They have rich mountains abundant in materials, oil fields and excellent farmlands. Due to the latter they also invested considerable effort in producing various biofuels thus allowing them to be close to self-sufficient. Export of food and materials is one of their largest source of income. Even prior to WW3 Hungary was keeping pace with other nations when it came to science and technology. This only accelerated after the formation of Neo Hungaria. The nation's economy multiplied more than tenfold and this had a drastic impact on technology and industry. Nowadays Neo Hungaria is one of the most developed nations in the world. In spite of their size compared to the various superpowers, Neo Hungaria is one of the top producers of carbon-nanotubes and other nanoconstructed chemicals. [color=1a7b30][u][b][h3]Military[/h3][/b][/u][/color]Ever since its conception Neo Hungaria put emphasis on their military and with a good reason. Even after its numerous territorial acquisitions Neo Hungaria was surrounded by giant nations that threatened their existence. As such compared to its neighbors Neo Hungaria is more militarized and their military expenses (along with R&D) reach as high as 21% of their budget. Along with the technological and industrial boom, Neo Hungaria also devoted great resources into arming their forces with only national products. This resulted in a temporarily setback as the industry for making weapons was yet to be finished but by the 2040s this idea became a reality. [u][b]Military by numbers[/b][/u] Active Soldiers: 712,000 Reserves: 2,888,000 (their status is unusual and more passive than in other armies) Military Police: 432,124 Tanks: 4,218 (~60% being the Bocskai III-V2) Military Land Vehicles Total: 52,812 (this includes everything, tanks, AFVs, SPGs, supply trucks, etc) Fighters: 628 (practically all of them are 6th generation craft or even 6.5th generation) Drone Aircraft: 4284 (not counting the portable UAVs carried by vehicles and infantry) Aircraft Total: 8372 Warships: 32 (including anything at destroyer size or above save for aircraft carriers) Aircraft Carriers: 6 Submarines: 60 Naval Vessels Total: 420 [b]Infantry:[/b][hider=Standard Infantry]Neo Hungaria's infantry is known for their high quality equipment. Manufactured by FÉG-ARMY they wear advanced protective suit made of CNT and other nanomaterials to offer considerable and full-body protection (including against radiation and chemical attacks) while the sensors and helmet offers enhanced information feed and situational awareness on the battlefield. Their current standard armament is the FÉG-K42 guns, one of the first mass-produced railgun carbines in the world. It fires the then standardized 4x16mm "dart" projectiles at the velocity of around 1500m/s and adjustable rate of fire usually ranging between 120 to 15000 RPM depending on how each mode is programmed. Power source is a compact CNT-supercapacitor with the nominal energy content of 4 kWh which is theoretically enough for over 5000 shots thus in general the only limiting factor the amount of ammo of which a railgun infantry can carry 4 times more. This added with the range and accuracy of the 4mm dart can give a considerable advantage for soldiers on the field. The downsides are obviously that the electronic systems need care and require their own line in logistics. Recharging is done at specialized stations, connection ports of military vehicles or even by solar panels and other hand devices like the "solar mat" which is a foil-like device that can be spread out on a surface to gather solar energy. Regardless for Neo Hungaria that mostly focuses on defense and asymmetric warfare their equipment are ideal for the purpose.[/hider] [b]Tanks:[/b] [hider=Bocskai III-V2 Stealth Tank][img]http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1708795/images/o-TANK-facebook.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Bocskai III-V2 [b]Classification:[/b] Stealth-Capable Light Battle Tank [b]Manufacturer:[/b] FÉG-ARMY [b]Rollout Date:[/b] 2044 (original), 2047 (current variation) [b]Crew:[/b] 3 [b]Length:[/b] 7m (~10m with the gun forward) [b]Width:[/b] 3.4 m [b]Height:[/b] 2.6 m [b]Weight:[/b] 18.2 metric tons (22.6 tons with extra armor kits) [b]Armor:[/b] CNT-BNT composite modular armor [b]Engine:[/b] FÉG TURBO-2000C Multi-Fuel Turbine Engine (2222hp/1657kW) [b]Maximum Speed:[/b] 145 km/h, up to 90 km/h offroad [b]Maximum Range:[/b] 1700 km [b]Main Armament:[/b] FÉG-SL47 Adaptive Railgun (Supports projectiles between the diameters of 12-120mm, intelligent auto-loader and feed mechanism, 16 Mj capacitor) [b]Secondary Weapon:[/b] Csepel-Manfréd Modular Remote Controlled Weapon System (various loadouts) [b]Active Protections:[/b] FÉG PL-100 laser defense system (100kW), Smoke grenade launchers, FÉG ORS-4B anti-missile package (includes targeting jammers and anti-projectile launcher ports linked to complex sensors) Light and advanced tank and the chief fighting vehicle employed by the Royal Hungarian Army. Its predecessor the Bocskai Tank was just a license-built version of the Polish PL-01. But following this subsequent versions constantly upgraded the tank to the extend that the Bocskai III tank is practically a whole different vehicle. The most notable difference is the new full-CNT chassis which improved protection while also decreasing weight, making the tank incredibly light and easy to transport. Though without dense heavy metal frame the armor only offers limited protection against APFSDS rounds. Another focus was on the tank's stealth. The Bocskai III uses the 3rd generation of the PL-01's thermal and radar stealth system and in standard combat situations and from sufficient distance this makes the vehicle practically undetectable. Newest addition is the Bocskai III's active camouflage system which by using the CNT's electronic properties can allow the tank to literally change colors, thus mimicking the surroundings. While this is obviously nowhere close to invisibility it works rather well from standard engagement distances. The Bocskai III also has the latest generation of passive and active protection systems which by the second variation includes a PL-100 laser point defense. Not to replace anti-missile defenses the laser works the best against distant or slow-moving explosive warheads. In dire situations it can also act as an anti-infatry platform with its rapid pulses. The tank's main armament is of course a railgun developed specially for the V2 model. The problem with railgun systems is the lack of versatility. The insensitive projectile doesn't allow much variation and the diameter is required to be the same. FÉG circumvents this issue by introducing the adaptive railgun concept. Its rail system can change its diameter thus allowing to shoot projectiles with varying size. Be it a solid 120mm bunker buster slug or a 20mm hypervelocity dart the weapon can handle it all. This is supported by a versatile and modular autoloader complex which can feed the system with multiple types of ammunition. The end result is a surprisingly versatile system which redefines the purpose of railguns. It can use CNT-reinforced tantalite slugs to act as explosive warheads. Can rapidly fire 12x48mm slugs with almost 0.1MJ energy each at 600-3000RPM like a devastating superheavy machinegun. Or unload the classic hypervelocity dart against armor. The possibilities are great and the limit is only within the imagination of Hungary's engineers. The only setback is that the new adaptive railgun alone costs almost as much as the rest of the tank, raising production cost twice to the original. In spite of that the Royal Hungarian Army upgraded all of their Bocskai III tanks to the V2 model by 2050.[/hider][hider=Toldi IVe Main Battle Tank][img]http://www.russiaonline.se/russian_newest_weapon_tank_armata_2013.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Toldi IVe [b]Classification:[/b] Main Battle Tank [b]Manufacturer:[/b] MAVAG [b]Rollout Date:[/b] 2041 (original), 2048 (current variation) [b]Crew:[/b] 3 [b]Length:[/b] 7.45m (~12m with the gun forward) [b]Width:[/b] 3.6 m [b]Height:[/b] 3.2 m [b]Weight:[/b] 48.8 metric tons [b]Armor:[/b] Laminate Honeycomb Composite Modular Armor [b]Powerplant:[/b] MAVAG W16SH-3600 Liquid-cooled Turbodiesel Engine (2222hp/1657kW) [b]Maximum Speed:[/b] 100 km/h, up to 64 km/h offroad [b]Main Armament:[/b] MAVAG 160mm L/60 Gun (30 RPM with autoloader, 48 ammo stored in 8 magazines) [b]Co-Axial Gun:[/b] FÉG-M41G 4mm Railgun (shooting 4mm tungsten darts at 2000 m/s, with up to 9000 RPM) [b]Secondary Weapon:[/b] Csepel-Manfréd Modular Remote Controlled Weapon System (various loadouts) [b]Active Protections:[/b] Smoke grenade launchers, laser/radar warning and jammers, FÉG ORS-5 defense system (incorporates various sensors while having the combination of explosive, projectile and laser based interceptors) While the Bocskai tanks are innovative, cheap and effective in warfare, there are several situation where the army requires a typical MBT for the job. As such Neo Hungaria developed the Toldi IV main battle tank. Named after a Hungarian knight famous for his strength and valor the Toldi IV is an advanced fighting vehicle with the latest weaponry and protection. Before railguns gained popularity 140-150mm systems dominated the battlefields. In some aspect cannons are still superior and more versatile so for the frontline tank MAVAG reintroduced the cannon, a 160mm multi-stage liquid propellant using tank gun. Its size allows to fire powerful explosive rounds and launching various missiles. Rumors say it's even capable of launching tactical nuclear warheads. Neo Hungary also developed their own unique armor system which is relatively light while offers great degree of protection. Tough and enduring, its microscopic BN honeycomb plates being immune to the "multiple hit problem" ceramic panels suffered. The armor was also made with the future possibility of irradiated environments and directed energy weapons in mind. Of course the Toldi IV also features the latest electronics, sensors and countermeasures with the E-variant debuting with the FÉG ORS-5 system with coverage and response time far better than most contemporary systems. All of these together makes the Toldi IVe a powerful but expensive tank when compared to the Bocskai III-V2.[/hider] [b]Drone Craft:[/b] [hider=LEG-142 "Kuvik" Attack Drone][img]http://img.weiku.com/waterpicture/2011/10/28/0/Mini_UFO_USB_Rechargeable_Speaker_Black_flying_saucer_Sound_Box_634568416951027942_2.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] LEG-142 "Kuvik" (current version: Block 6) [b]Classification:[/b] Stealth Attack Drone, Unmanned Magnetoaerodynamic Craft [b]Developer:[/b] MÁL/FÉG-ARMY Collaboration [b]Production Date:[/b] 2043 [b]Diameter:[/b] 3.49 m [b]Armor:[/b] 12.9mm CNT-composite [b]Empty Weight:[/b] 425 kg [b]Standard Weight:[/b] 885 kg [b]Propulsion:[/b] MÁL MLM-04b Magnetoaerodynamic Drive (286 kW) [b]Powered by:[/b] MEHM EC-E14 Hypercapacitor Fuel Cell (400 kWh) [b]Top Speed:[/b] Mach 0.6 [b]Fixed Armament:[/b] FÉG-M41R 4mm Railgun (Turret-mounted, 1600m/s, max 18000 RPM, 600 ammo) [b]Internal Payload Options:[/b] - LER-4 "Véreb" Short-Range Air-to-Air Missile x 4 - LFR-16 "Égbivaly" Anti-Armor Missile x 4 - LFR-08 "Zajos Dongó" Cluster Missile x 2 - IB-21 50kg Guided Bombs x 8 - LR-11K "Tűzvész" 55mm Rocket Pod x 1 (18 missiles) - or the combination of the above The Kuvik is a small yet rather compact VTOL capable drone aircraft which focuses on close air support. It uses by then advanced magnetic propulsion system and effectively works like a mixture of helicopter and classical aircraft thus effectively replaced the former. It's equipped with a sophisticated AI that can follow its directives and continue fighting even in heavy radio/GPS jamming. Although for accountability it's preferable if the drone craft is remote controlled. In addition the Kuvik also features advanced stealth, including radar, thermal imaging and to a limited extend even visual camouflage (a system similar to what Botond III Tanks have). This combined with the drone's already tiny size makes the vehicle extremely difficult to spot thus the Kuvik earns increasing reputation for covert missions. The Kuvik is a Hungarian word describing a family of small-bodied ownls that hunt at night. Local folklore also associate the Kuvik's sound with death.[/hider][hider=LEG-149 "Uhu" Dronecraft][img]http://www.toptenz.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/green-airways-flying-saucer-570x427.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] LEG-149AX "Uhu" [b]Classification:[/b] Unmanned Magnetocraft, Attack Drone [b]Rollout Date:[/b] 2045 (technically the test prototype was flying in 2040) [b]Diameter:[/b] 12.84 m [b]Armor:[/b] 20mm CNT-composite [b]Standard Weight:[/b] 9.88 metric tons [b]Propulsuion:[/b] MÁL MLM-01j Magnetoaerodynamic Drive (4824 kW) [b]Powered by:[/b] MEHM EC-H23 Hypercapacitor Fuel Cell (8200 kWh) [b]Top Speed:[/b] Mach 0.8 [b]Armament:[/b] - FÉG-M41R 4mm Railgun (turret mounted, 1800 m/s, maximum 18000 RPM, 2400 ammo) - FÉG PL-100 Laser (100kW) x 2 - MTA KVSEB-900 Radiological Weapon (900 kW accelerator/collider, energy output depends on settings) [b]Internal Payload Options:[/b] - LER-4 "Véreb" Short-Range Air-to-Air Missile x 12 (3 per hardpoint) - LFR-16 "Égbivaly" Anti-Armor Missile x 12 (3 per hardpoint) - LFR-08 "Zajos Dongó" Cluster Missile x 4 (1 per hardpoint) - IB-21 50kg Guided Bombs x 20 (5 per hardpoint) - LR-11A "Tűzvész" 55mm Rocket Pod x 4 (24 missiles per pod) - or the combination of the above Uhu is a the big brother of the Kuvik dronecraft, developed to provide heavier fire support and overall greater capabilities. It features the same stealth system as the Kuvik albeit its size and larger radiation signature makes it easier to spot. Before being issued for the military the machine (classified as "Bagoly" at the time) was a test craft for various electromagnetic propulsion designs and future dronecrafts. It also served as testbed for directed energy weapons and their behavior in adverse conditions. But after a few years it became apparent the military needs a larger drone to truly substitute attack helicopters in their role. As such they proposed a more streamlined version of the Bagoly, designated as the Uhu. The large dronecraft can carry much more payload and has extensive active protection systems. In addition because of the nature of the magnetoaerodynamic drive it was easy to integrate a collider type particle accelerator and use a redesigned version of the test-type directed energy weapon in combat. Compared to most lasers this sports greater range and power, though obviously it's ineffective against properly armored targets. On the other hand it's a versatile system that can be used as a particle accelerator gun, laser, x-ray emitter and even gamma laser. As such even though it cannot burn through armor the high-energy radiation can be used to disable electronic equipment or (more rarely) to kill infantry. The gamma ray laser emits sufficient radiation to send humans into coma and kill them via major organ failure within hours or even minutes. The radiological weapon can potentially also used to intercept missiles, even large ICBMs. The Uhu is a versatile but also relatively expensive vehicle. The use of radiological weapons is also currently a secret in fear of international response. For the latter reason the Uhu is equipped by multiple self-destruct mechanisms to prevent the recovery of the wreckage. Uhu is a Hungarian word for a species of large-bodied owls. Their naming represents the dronecraft's relation to the LEG-142 (Kuvik) in size.[/hider] [/hider]