[Center][img]http://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.Mb7c7f6912e1f270eab35a3b902049bd9o0&pid=1.1[/img][/center] [Color=red]Name: [/color]Walter King [Color=red]Possible Nick Name:[/color] Red [Color=red]Age:[/color] 41 [Color=red]Gender:[/color] Male [Color=red]Date of birth: [/color]December 22nd 1974 [Color=Red]Place of birth: [/color]Georgia, America [Color=Red]Nationality:[/color] American [Color=Red]Gang Affliction:[/color] Is protected by Thomas leader of the "Knives" [Hider=Thomas][Img]http://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M7f0bd29c1a3177aa5b26a0abaf50dfb1o1&pid=1.1[/img] Thomas the leader of the Knives protects Walter and will keep him from harms way so that he may be apart of Walters master plan. The knives reputation is one of the biggest in the prison, no one knows why Thomas protects Walter aside them themselves. The knives punish others by cutting them.[/hider] [Color=red]Conviction: [/color]Murdered his wife and her lover [Color=red]Sentence: [/color]Life without parole [Color=red]Parole:[/color]N/A [Color=red]Personality:[/color] In short Walter is a genius and isn't the joking type nor the violent type. He is a very serious man, Walter will use lies as a weapon. He does seem to be a normal man but he is devious. Walter also makes the stronger people defend him and he helps them out with whatever they need with brains like his it's pretty easy. He has spent a year in his life sentence the guards like him as he helps with thier money problems and they reward him with cigarettes hat he shares with the gang. No one dares to mess with him because of what Thomas will do to them. [Color=red]Appearance:[/color] Bald with a small beard, glasses and has a small tattoo on his back of a crown. [Color=red]Other:[/color] Walter is an honest man and will exploit your stupidity if you happen to do something by accident to put his plan in jeprody. Escaping. He plans on taking Thomas with him hence the "protection" [Color=red]History:[/color] Walter's father always wanted him to work hard but never seemed to be good enough. This however did not hold Walter back in fact it just made him smarter. His mother worried for Walter and tried to help, Walter did not want help. Walter came from a decent home and kept to himself at school. His mother Got a divorce when Walter was 16. When he was 35 he became a principal. His intimacy stopped with his wife when he turned 39 (reason his wife had an affair) Walter used to be a principal before he was sent to prison for killing his wife and her lover. He spent the first few weeks getting beatings, before he spoke to Thomas, about breaking out. He put the murder weapon (gun) in a bin and a dog knocked the bin over making the gun stumble out. Walter came from a very religious family but is still an atheist.