Hello~ You can call me Lovely. I'm searching for people to do fandom based role plays with me, in other words, I'm searching for people to play canon characters from select series. I myself am willing to double and play some canons as well; so don't worry. But before we get to all that, I have a few rules for partners; -Be active. Be able to reply more than once a day, every day. -Be "Literate". Use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and don't post under 3 paragraphs. -Match my post length, or at least half of it. If I post 8 paragraphs, please post AT LEAST four. -Be honest. If you want to quit the role play, or you get bored, or maybe just busy in general, please let me know. I won't care. So, in the following ideas, I'm considering myself the OC. But as stated above, I'm willing to play a canon character as well. If there is a * next to a pairing, I've got a plot. Harry Potter: Snape/Oc* (Teacher/student) Draco/Oc* Lucius/Oc Tom Riddle/Oc Luna/Oc (Female/Female) Hermione/Oc (Female/Female) Ron/Oc Thor: Loki/Oc* Percy Jackson: Percy/Oc* Nico/Oc* Lord of the Rings: Legolas/Oc* The Hobbit: Thorin/Oc* Pirates of the Caribbean: Jack/Oc Rise of the Guardians: Jack/Oc Celebrities: Tom Hiddleston/Oc Leonardo Dicaprio/Oc Orlando Bloom/Oc Johnny Depp/Oc The only two I'm not willing to play are Loki and Snape. If interested, please let me know!