[quote=@aladdin_sane] Hector tentatively has a shaky grip on reality as is the case with being trapped for a long period of time without any social contact or the barest of sensory stimuli (not even considering the effects of the magical gas), but even when Hector regains his composure one thing he knows for certain is the fact that Pierre essentially left him to die. Lol, at this rate I am pretty sure the rest of the group will kill Pierre before they even cross paths with Hector and Nathan as my primary character has not been very adept at making new friends; though I agree that it will be funny watching Hector and Pierre go at it. I imagine every other player character just standing back to watch Pierre get his ass kicked even though they know absolutely nothing about what occurred earlier. [/quote] I could totally see mine being like "Woah woah woah, hold on dudebro mc roidrage! He's more useful as a hostage!" for whatever reason >3>