[b]•Name:[/b] Kendall Heartland [b]•Age:[/b] 12 [b]•Gender:[/b] Female [b]•House:[/b] Ravenclaw [b]•Magical Heritage:[/b] Muggle Born [b]•Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://s1150.photobucket.com/user/Mskennedy615/media/african_american_anime_girl_with_dreadlocks_by_rappel82-d6nxzob_zps39cdeb16.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o601/Mskennedy615/african_american_anime_girl_with_dreadlocks_by_rappel82-d6nxzob_zps39cdeb16.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [b]•Backstory:[/b] Kendall grew up with her single mother in LA, California. She has attended a normal, muggle school since she was five years old, and moved to England when she was 9, so she has a lot to adjust to when she goes to Hogwarts. Her father died before she was born, so she has never met him, but she has a picture of him that she carries around with her everywhere she goes. When she got the Hogwarts letter, of course her mom flipped out, but Kendall wasn't as surprised. Lately, weird things have been going on with her, and overall she felt different. There isn't much to really tell about her family, mostly because her mother isn't poor or rich, she doesn't have any other siblings, and she has never had a pet. Kendall's life is fairly structured. [b]•Personality:[/b] Always loud and outgoing, Kendall doesn't have any trouble with making friends. She loves dancing and playing around, but when the time comes to sit still and do any sort of work it is always a struggle. She has a hard time paying attention, but once she is focused she can be a really great student. Most people see her as obnoxious and selfish, but she doesn't see anything wrong with that. She has a lot of confidence that most kids her age don't really have. She is one hundred percent sure that she will make the whole "wizard" thing work, even if it may not turn out the way she plans. [b]•Personal Items:[/b] Wand, Chestnut 9¼" with a Dragon heartstring core Her new screech owl, Chloe A crinkled picture of her dad. [b]•Special gifts and abilities:[/b] N/A