The spillage of one's own desired beverages was truly a detriment to one's enjoyment of their time at gatherings, especially when the precious liquids that would have satiated the thirst of the throat were spilled upon one's own person. As such, it was with sympathy that the teenaged magical known by the name of Lü Ziya approached the emotionally-distraught Aella! Paper towels in hand, acquired with a well-cast spell of summoning, he sought to bring relief to her seeming sufferings, for it was the duty of all citizens to assist one another to bring about a world of equality! Indeed, for even if he knew little about the older student, she was a person in obvious distress, and it was unacceptable for him to simply leave without providing any comfort he could. "These can serve as a temporary alleviation," declared the Chinese teenager, voice muffled as usual behind the mask that covered his face. "They are of the ability to dry you of the capitalistic liquids that torment you so." His hand was outstretched, the stack of paper towels sitting within his grasp in a manner not quite dissimilar from how Michelangelo had depicted the breathing of the aether by God into the life that would become the first man, Adam, upon his famed frescoes that situated themselves within the Sistine Chapel. The situation at hand, however, was a far humbler occurrence, but the comparison still was one of slight merit. Even from behind his concealed cheeks, one could note the growings of a smile, a dazzling one displayed by the young Ziya in an attempt to bring comfort. It was a simple one, yet filled with a meaning to do well! This was the type of person he was! A boy who worked for a glorious future!