[img]http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131017185448/marveldatabase/images/3/35/Loki_logo.png[/img] There were many things that Loki had considered improbable (He dismissed the notion of the impossible quite a long time ago), but witnessing yet [i]another[/i] Asgardian standing on stage, singing her heart out (Unknowingly in a tribute to him) was something that he hadn't tried calculating the odds for; She seemed to be the daughter of the [i]human[/i] hosts of the party, which either meant that she was adopted or there were forces at work here that he needed to track down. As strange as it might have sounded, Loki didn't like mysteries that were mysterious to [i]him[/i] because mysteries got you killed or screwed over in a major way. Often times both. Watching as a silent witness as *Insert whatever important title fancies his moment* Doom and the young CEO of Stark Tech fought each other in a battle of wits (A battle that he was currently favoring Doom in coming out on top of) for a few moments, Loki quickly forsook the civilized dick measuring competition to follow the actions of the impossible woman wearing a fetching green dress. She seemed familiar in her way, but different enough that he didn't recognize her as one of the ghosts of his past... Ill at ease but hiding that away under a facade of merriment that he had practiced to an art form over decades if not centuries, Loki approached the singer of honor with a warm smile and a respectful bow. "Victoria Parrington I presume? Or would this rose prefer to go by a different name?" Loki asked playfully while his mind was operating to understand how [i]another[/i] person had come to adopt the powers of Asgard. Between her and the hammer wielding female [i]'Thor'[/i] he had encountered earlier he was starting to believe he was losing his touch at genocide.