[b]Elena's Apartment Los Angeles - Blaire Anderson [/b] Blaire was glad when she could feel the cold can of pepsi in her hands. She wasted no time popping the top off and taking a sip of the delicious soda. It was the first non intoxicating beverage she'd had since she'd eaten breakfast this morning. She was happy when Elena smiled, she usually didn't care what most people thought about her even though she acted like she did to some of her friends. But Elena was different, she unlike most of her other "friends" had an ability. She'd known other people like her where out there thanks to Claire but to actually run into one and for it to be someone she knew? That was the crazy thing, it almost made her forget about her situation with the CIA. "It's pretty fucking cool your power seemed awesome too." Blaire noted from what she'd saw on the news. "Well it's more then just shrinking things, I can make things bigger and stuff. But when I found out about my power I just wanted to see everything it could do and started practicing whenever I was by myself. But...you weren't the only one who got in trouble with your power today..I messed up." Blaire was hesitant to continue and wondered how much she'd tell her friend. She was on the news so if people like them were being targeted or going to be targeted she needed to know. "Like two days ago I got something really weird in the mail these files it was all about people like us and the government locking us up, experiments, two years ago, and back in the 60's. Long story short I tried to look it up on google couldn't find nothing and today the CIA burst in asking me all these questions and coming to kill me....b..but I got them before they got me." As Blaire said this tears welled up in her eyes in reality she didn't care that she'd had to kill anyone especially government agents that wanted her and people like her caged up and dead. However she didn't want to appear that heartless to her friend she reached in her pocket taking out a small piece of paper and using her power to enlarge it to normal size. In her hand where the Building 26 files and she held them forward for Elena to take as some tears strolled down her face. ." I..I didn't want to have to use my power to do that but I think people like us are in alot of trouble Elena, read that this is bad." Blaire remarked with fear in her voice, it was one thing to fight a couple of guys with guns but the entire Government that was scary. [b]New Jersey, The Enterprise - Jason[/b] Jason was making his way inside the facility a grin on his face. He looked outside a the taxi driver pulling off, he'd used his power to score a free ride. Of course he had the money to pay, but why pay for things he could get for free? As he made his way through the medium sized building he arrived in a well lit room where two people a man with some jeans and a stained T shirt and another dressed business casual were playing cards. In another part of the room a woman was watching some episode of CSI on television and was dressed in all black with a badge on. "Ruth as always your watching something interesting, Bryan your dumb if you think you're gonna beat Earl in anything." Jason remarked as he sat next to Earl the one dressed in business attire. "Shut yer mouth Jason, while you were busy doing god knows what we've actually been dealing with some shit. Ruth turn that nonsense off and turn the news." Bryan spoke his heavy southern drawl apparent. Ruth who despite being clearly irked by how Bryan described her program changed to the news and it was showing a hooded figure breaking in and out. Jason's eyes widened as he saw the flaming girl flying away from the police caught on the news. "Hmm now that's the type of person I need to bring into the Enterprise, she has potential." Jason said impressed, a weather manipulator, teleporter, an earth bender, invisible waiter, and the human torch all in one day. "She's gathering a-lot of attention but." "That's not all Jason, that's just the warm up compared to what happened in LA." Ruth changed the channel to another news station and Earl & Bryan no longer seemed focus on their game anymore. Jason witnessed the footage of the high school as well as the over view from above of a foot print around the smashed school. He was completely drawn into the viewing experience not taking his eyes of the screen. "Holy shit..now that's power...an entire high school wiped out, literally looks like it's been fucking stepped on but the news didn't catch any super sized person on camera? But it could be any number of powers...some creative person with teleknesis or someone who could control the earth." [i]Like Mallory's brother but it couldn't be him he's all the way here in New York, oh shit I need to message her back. [/i] Jason mentally face-palmed at remembering he hadn't responded to Mallory yet, watching the news and seeing everything going down was impressive. As he took out his phone to respond he heard some thoughts from the others about the Bennet Act and just sighed." I knew something like that was coming? Ruth you don't have to change the channel again that's the last thing I want to see, I've seen enough in you guys heads." "You know that power of yours is really the ultimate invasion of privacy, we could use someone like you on the force. Plenty of sick fucks who's heads we need to dig into." Ruth said as she changed the TV back to her original program while Jason scoffed he had no business working with the law. He was surprised he'd even managed Ruth to work with them but she was a rogue cop with emphasis on rogue. He texted Mallory back. [b][i]Oooh I was just wondering why don't you swing by my dorm room tonight? Dinner's on me. :) [/i][/b] Jason smiled as he sent the text back making sure to put in a few smiling emoji's then sending what dorm he was in. He wondered if she went to New York University, if she did she'd recognize the dorm room he'd sent in the second text.