Upon hearing the word [i]counter proposal[/i], the Chon'sin general raised an eyebrow with her interest piqued at what the young tactician had to say. Staying still in her current position with an undivided attention towards Jacob, Mei'lin spoke not a word during his piece. Even after the end of his last statement and a hand being held out to him, her arms crossed atop her chest with a deep in thought expression. A bargain or two, the swordsman had anticipated it, but this proposal was still very much involved in the fate of her beloved nation. Was it worth stalling the support of the church? Due to Chon'sin being the land of skillful swordsmen and staying at a close distance to Rosanne, the offer being given to ally with the Church's side was inevitable. Though this being the case, the current ruler of Chon'sin was to be cautious on which side to take and prolonged the decision to be made. Thus the general was sent to the faraway land of Ylisse to represent her country in negotiating with the Champion. After all, the nation was once saved by the Shepherds of Ylisse, offering their support in this upcoming war may be a wise choice. But... Will the Church patiently wait for an answer? [color=gold]"Hm..."[/color] The female myrmidon hummed thoughtfully, before rising to her feet to become at eye level with the Champion. [color=gold]"You pose a... [i]tricky[/i] counter proposal, Si-- [i]Jacob[/i]. Time is of the essence, but very well. I shall inform my high commander through a letter of request, if any more delay to the support of the Church can be made."[/color] Before parting her lips to continue, her hand held up with a solemn expression yet with a wry smile. [color=gold]"But do know that once I've established that this negotiation, this plan, will not be to Chon'sin's merit, I will immediately take my leave with my men. And perhaps, I may be seeing you on the battlefield in the near future, not as an ally, but as a [i]foe[/i]."[/color] Once again, her usual calm tone gave off a subtle venom in what she was conveying. Mei'lin was a loyal Chon'sin before anything else, any threat to it might as well be a threat to her. [color=gold]"Otherwise, I accept your counter proposal for the time being. Ah, pardon for my late introductions but I go by the alias of General Lei'min, though my real name is Mei'lin. Let us overcome difficult trials to come with hard work, Jacob."[/color] Grabbing the other's hand with a firm grasp, Mei'lin shook his hand with a slight upward curve upon her lips.