[Center][img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/4b1ed78d61fb7be6a32d442c6b261569/tumblr_nskmsmeAWu1uwigo9o1_540.jpg[/img][/center] [color=7bcdc8]Welcome to Area 33-75007! The City of Lights, Paris! Also known as, The Ultimate Hunting Grounds. Paris, once known for it's beauty and romance is now home to a massive population of Humans that swarmed to the city after the Collapse. The City of lights has become a prosperous haven of human kind, but also a feeding ground for creatures that lurk within the shadows of the City. The 40[sup]2[/sup] Mile area is surrounded by massive walls, but even the residents know that doesn't keep the creatures out. An everlasting darkness of smog and evil lingers over the brilliantly lit city. While many of it's ancient monuments still stand, they are often unauthorized zones full of discreet dealings, underground activity, and hunters and predators of various sorts. It's often a hiding spot for those that don't want to be found, but a death trap that wander into the city unaware. The City, beyond it's capacity, is littered with homeless, nightclubs, unsolicited activies, and much more. It's towers reaching over 500m high. The Eiffel tower still stands in it's splendid glory, along the La Seine, lit up as a beacon of hope for those that live within the walls of the city. A Highly Free-Form setting, allowing for as much creativity as possible. Be careful of what kind of attention you attract though. [/color]