[color=lightcoral]"Incoming!"[/color] The cry, as well as the fast thump of footsteps and the awful scrape of a blade dragged along stone provided sufficient distraction for Havoc to forget all about her message. A persons first instinct is to turn towards someone when they shout and in this case as Havoc whirled around instinct was wrong. Her eyes widened in surprise as she beheld the oncoming warrior, long pole-arm scraping along the ground in a desperate attempt to slow down, before she could even begin to react Static Flash's knee found her face. Several passersby visibly winced at the meaty thunk this knee to face contact produced. Havoc didn't notice however as she found herself on her back, dazed and confused, staring up into the sky. "urghhhhhhhh" [hr] Level: 1 EXP: 0 Next Level EXP: 10,000 [hr]