The muscle-bound fighter sat upright in his cell, still not wearing anything but his old and worn undergarments. He leered out at the grandmaster with a slightly bemused look crossing his haggard features, not quite certain what a fancily dressed nobleman wanted with his sorry self. Jonathan crossed the cell as the man spoke out about servitude and the possibility of dying outside the cell that he'd become all to familiar with. It wasn't like there was an option, unless the greatcloaked man assumed that he'd refuse on principle. Luckily for everyone, Jonathan was anything [i]but[/i] principled. Jonathan grinned, managing to show off nearly all of his surprisingly well-kept teeth in a terrifying grimace that he must have assumed was friendly. [color=yellow]"Alright, you've convinced me that I should help your cause. What use do I have for a life living in a cell, amiright?"[/color]