[i]Ben Duren Plasma Pistol 5 Photohydrogen flasks, 50 shots. Lasgun 4 "jungle" power packs, 480 shots Devil's Claw, elbow grease, Infinite ammo[/i] In the car Stukov ended up exploding on the sister of battle. He was tired, he had a long day and was likely injured. Ben understood. When the entire group arrived at the safehouse, he nodded to Alpha, the man who drove them there as a silent thank you. Ben's first stop was finding a cup and filling it with water. After he had downed it twice, he was in a much better mood, and was feeling a bit less worn out from the short fight. It had been a while since he had ended up in a real fight. After he had gotten water, he went to the medical supplies, and found a bag he could sling over his shoulder like a messenger bag. Ben removed a few less useful items to make room for ammo. Now ready to carry some items not just in his pockets, Ben happened upon a voss pattern lasgun. He smiled for a moment looking at the weapon. The preferred pattern of the Emperor's finest grunts, the men of Armageddon used them. Ben adjusted the strap and folding the wire stock and slung it over his shoulder. With a real rifle, Ben went to the ammo crate, and dug out several sickle power cells. Once he had them, Ben went to Alpha and asked for some heavy duty duct tape. After a few minutes of scrounging the apartment, Alpha produced it from a drawer, and made a small quip about how humanity couldn't have conquered the stars without the silver stuff. Ben nodded a polite agreement, and went about making jungle clips, something the Catachan boys Ben had met did for fast reloading. Now ready to fight the galaxy, or at least the next few cultists, Ben sighed in relief. Ben adjusted the large machete on his back so he could get an easy draw of the weapon, moved the satchel to be resting mostly on his waist, and kept the lasgun to his right shoulder, and played with the strap with his thumb. Time to play the good NCO. Check on the troops after a fight. Ben went to the sister first, and stood over her laying on the couch. "[color=aba000]You know he means well, right?[/color]" Ben asked her. Regardless of her response, Ben would shrug. "[color=aba000]Just tired and all. Long day. He's rough around the edges. He gave you a nickname already, sis. I Know, its not original. But I think it means he'll like you, in due time.[/color]" Ben would look around and nod, and give the woman a weak smile. If the woman said anything, he would excuse himself to go check on Stukov. If not, he would excuse himself all the same. Before Ben made it to the Stukov, the Inquisitor and the Psyker arrived with a new guest and a relic. Ben watched, and politely declined the food. He wasn't hungry. He had never liked eating on missions. He preferred nutrient pastes and gruels. Not for their tastes, but because it made life easier. Spend 1 minute eating. More time to sleep when you weren't on watch. After the commotion, Ben would make his way to Stukov, intercepting him before he got to the kitchen. "[color=aba000]Hey, Rainy parade.[/color]" He would say with another weak, tired smile. "[color=aba000]Can you try and play nice? I know, hard to like everyone. We might need her. She's got a big gun.[/color]" Ben said appealing to his side that liked being on the winning side of a gunfight. With that Ben left him be, and made his way to the Psyker. Ben looked at Adrianne, and was feeling much calmer about her right now. "[color=aba000]You alright?[/color]" He asked. "[color=aba000]I've heard the whole... power thing can be tiring.[/color]" He said, waving his hands around to accent it. Ben looked at her, for a moment looking much older than his 29 years. "[color=aba000]Could you just. Try to be a little more careful. Some of us live and die by what we can do with our bare hands.[/color]" Ben looked at his metal hand when he said this. "[color=aba000]Well. Hands.[/color]" With that, he nodded to her, and left to check himself. Ben segregated himself from the group, and removed his left glove, and opened and closed the metal hand. The knuckles were dented and there was a few exposed wires. It twitched without commands. Benjamin Duren sighed looking at it.