Delta sat and listened to Justin and Carson talk of their rooms. He felt kind of bad for the kids because there was no way they could go back. Phi was most likely monitoring their houses. Then Carson started speaking about his parents. "[color=00a651]What about our parents? I didn't think about it before but-[/color]" he grimaced slightly, "[color=00a651]My dad probably doesn't really know I'm gone, he works long shifts at the hospital so I'm not really worried about him but my mom is a different story. I've been kind of M.I.A for the last two days but I've kept her up to date in texts and she's going to notice if I just stop. I mean, I am definitely not the best son in the world but it would break her heart if I just stopped showing up all together. She's probably already kind of worried about me, y'know? She's prone to thinking the worse and if she's scared then she'll call my dad and he won't be happy at all.[/color]" Carson paused for a moment after he mentioned his father, but after a second to himself he continued. "[color=00a651]So do we like give them some kind of four-one-one?[/color]" he asked tentatively, a frown finding it's way to his mouth. "[color=00a651]My mom doesn't deserve to worry like that. She does a lot for me. They put up with a lot from me.[/color]" Delta almost choked on the last of his hot pocket. He hadn't expected the conversation to turn so dark so quickly. It didn't really matter, the kids deserved to know. "[color=Turquoise]Well Carson you seem like a nice enough kid, so I'm not gonna sugar coat anything. When it comes to your parents there are two possibilities. The first one is that Phi had been watching you guys for longer than Epsilon and I thought. That he had tabs on you guys for a while. In this scenario as soon as Epsilon nabbed you Phi went and found your parents, and started to interrogate them. Once he realized that they really had no clue where you were he simply killed them and moved on. The second scenario is that he just sensed that you were metas and hunted you guys down. In this case your parents may be upset over the fact that you're missing but they are ALIVE in this scenario. That's the important thing, that they're alive. You reaching out to them now would just get them killed.[/color]" Delta looked hard at Justin and Carson, hoping to gauge their reactions to this news. However he couldn't study them too long before another person entered the mess hall. Theodore ambled into the mess hall, sleep heavy in his eyes. He walked past the seated group and grabbed an apple before turning to face the group, it was still a few seconds before he actually chose to speak. "[color=f6989d]Hello, Delta. Hello, you and you, whoever you are.[/color]" he said, "[color=f6989d]I'm Theodore. I apologize for the interruption.[/color]" Delta smiled at the boy before speaking. "[color=Turquoise]Good evening Theodore! I see a restful night's sleep has eluded your grasp yet again. This here's Justin and Carson. Epsilon nabbed Carson from Phi and I carried Justin off before he made the mistake of brushing shoulders with him.[/color]" Before Delta could continue a conversation with Theo he heard a familiar snapping echoing down the hall. He turned to face the door shortly before Kana burst into room. "Greetings, fellow rejects!" she called out, [color=white][b]"Who's ready to pummel this Phi-guy into submission?! I sure as hell am!"[/b][/color] Kana met Delta's gaze before continuing. [color=white][b]"How about you, Mr. D? Wanna go track this guy down and give him the good ol' one-two?"[/b][/color] she made fists and punched the air with the classic boxing combo, complete with fire for added effect. Delta pinched the bridge of his nose as the smile drained from his face. "[color=Turquoise]As always I appreciate the enthusiasm, but as I've said before you simply--[/color]" Delta darted up from the table as a humming filled the room. Within a fraction of a second he was standing behind Kana, his hand mimicking a gun to the back of her head. "[color=Turquoise]--aren't far enough along in your training yet.[/color]" He slowly lowered his hand to his side and returned to his seat. Delta's eyed scanned the young adults before him. They all had amazing potential, that much was for sure, but they needed guidance while their powers developed. "[color=Turquoise]I can assure all of you that a time will come for us to take the fight to Phi and his brethren, but today isn't it. Epsilon was cut fairly deeply today, and he wasn't even actually trying to FIGHT the maniac. For now we need to get stronger, take it one day at a time. And besides--[/color] Delta pulled down the collar of shirt above his left breast. A tattoo of the Greek character Delta adorned his left pectoral, above his heart. A wide scar ran from his left shoulder down over his tattoo before continuing downward. "[color=Turquoise]--I'm not too eager to look death in the face a second time. Phi isn't just another super-villain wannabe, he's the real deal. We're going to have to be on the top of our game before we even think about taking him on.[/color]"