[b]Alias:[/b] Number 5 (#5) [b]Real name:[/b] Jacob Khusrau [b]Age:[/b] 75 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [hider=Appearance] [img]http://www.malemodelscene.net/wp-content/gallery/112012/tyler-maher-darren-black-male-model-scene-03.jpg[/img] Standing at 5'11 with silver blue eyes Jacob is 180 of lean human flesh. He has little to know muscle and has more of a runners build. Most of his body due to his ability, can be changed at will which is why he cannot seem to really remember what he looked like, but his current for is closest to it. His hair is a dark brown and his eyes are a piercing silver and light blue, more blue in sun light and more sliver in the dark. He has a runners lean build, with little to no muscles, and only weighs 175 lbs. When he is not saving someones life, you can catch him some casual clothes or another. He is in love with graphic tees of all types and wears them when he gets the chance. Jacob hates to be confined or restrained so suits are not his thing. When it is hot you will see him in shorts and a t-shirt, or muscle shirt, and when it is cold jeans, or joggers, and long sleeve tops like sweaters and shirt. His super suit is a made of spandex and the same material that they make dry fit shirts out of, it is also laced with organic fibers so that he can control it. ([url]http://www.tribomb.com/reviews/huub-wetsuit/image02.jpg[/url] [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Jacob is a no nonsense kind of person. He sees everything in black and white and does not believe that there is a grey. If you did something wrong, for whatever reason it is still wrong and justice must be served. Morality and positive reasoning's do not appeal to him, as I said before everything is black and white with him. This leads him to be stubborn in most situations and not consider the feelings of others, thus he makes enemies fast. He is not anti-emotional but just does not care overall. His hero-ing could be considered the same; it does not matter if someone did something wrong for the sake of their family or any other important thing, a villainous or illegal act was committed and that is enough for him to pounce. He can hold a grudge as well, and has more loyalty than a life long dog. [b]Short Biography:[/b] During his youth in Germany, he was abducted by the Gestapo and taken to a research facility. Here the Nazis were conducting experiments on him and many other subjects to unlock the full capacity of the brain to enable different types of natural powers to develop. He was subject number 5, in a line of twelve. He was taken at the beginning of the WWII, right after Germany invaded Poland. The experiments consisted of live open brain surgeries, injects, organ removal, nuclear radiation, and many other long and dangerous experiments that lead him to near death. These process were mostly meant to prepare the body for the large and forces transformations that the brain was going through and would inflict upon it. The Nazis finished their brain trials in the first few years of his time with them, the rest were meant to perfect the bodies adaptability for anything to come. A few months before the war ended the Nazis began their final trials, they created a machine call the cradle of life. When put inside it, the subject would be bathed in atomic, nuclear, and solar energy. It was meant to supercharge the cells and activate any DNA and molecular changes that had been made while keeping the subject alive. This finalized treatment was only given to the first five subjects, the war ended before the rest could be treated. Soon after his treatment, his ability of Organic Manipulation. They had unlocked 55% of his brain capacities of functions. [b]Powers, Skills & Equipment:[/b] Jacob can manipulate organic matter. He can create, shape and manipulate everything and anything organic, both organisms and organic matter. His power centers on an atomic level, this means he can change the very atomic make-up of any organic (carbonated) substance. This means full control over organic cells and anything carbonated. He can control life on a cellular level; advanced healing, advanced decay, create diseases, even genetic alteration. Jacob, himself, can only control certain things due to his lack of experience with his power. He can control the cells of his body. He can change the cellular (and genetic) makeup of his body, to make him self look different, control his organic mass and density, make his cells rearrange to take different shapes and sizes (think Parasite or Prototype). Because of this he has given himself immortal by process of hyper active cellular regeneration. So for an clear example of his abilities; if he was to lose a limb it would take time but he could regenerate it, so most wounds can be fixed. Also most sickness and diseases cannot affect him, it would have to be a un-carbonated for it to have affect. Another example is the reconstruction of his body, He can change everything from his face down to how he sweats, with enough knowledge and concentration. The skill that he knows is organic construct formation, being able to change his own organic material into tools, objects, weapons, and other items. His external abilities are very limited due to him not completing is procedures with his captors. He can only control other organic (carbonated) substances that he comes in contact with. He can heal other people or speed their aging and decay process. Mostly he is only able to do that but can move short distances through organic substances, and move other people he comes in contact with. Jacob can also change the organic material of living things he come in contact with, like with his own, into other organic objects and weapons. [b]Weakness:[/b] Jacob cannot create his own organic matter. This means that he cannot create his own construct out of air, he need some kind of source that already exist. This limits his powers greatly, he cannot create, life on his own (not yet any way), not even from his own organic matter. He has tried to bring pieces of himself to life and give them their own existences but it takes to much focus and he has to give up a something from every part of his body. Overall the process is to much for him so he cannot do it. Another major weakness is his need for concentration. If it is external he has to have a certain level of concentration to exert control, so if he makes a construct out of carbon, or plant life, depending on what he makes, how long he has it active, and what the size of the construct is, all of these play factors in the level of focus he will have to have to keep it alive. His last major weakness would be his lack of knowledge and experience. Because his ability is tied into his brain function how can he do something if he does not have the knowledge or experience with already in him. His ability leaves open a lot of open doors, but most of them are closed due to his ignorance on those subject. His powers are not instinctive at all, so none of them happen just because he needs them to, or because of a gut feeling, or because of the moment, Jacob has had to do existence research on each skill that he can do currently, and on any that he wants to learn. The main reason he cannot create life is because he does not know enough about it. He has tried to make his abilities apart of his instincts, but because they were given in a traumatic environment, and are incomplete, his powers are just like any other tools that is man made and put into the body. Overall if he is distracted he wont be able to help anyone but himslef in most situations. [hider=Full Biography] Jacob was born in 1915, in a small village in between, Berlin and Potsdam. He had 5 other siblings and only a mother to raised them, because his father was killed in WWI. They all lived in a small one story house with small rooms and one bathroom. As a child Jacob grew up alone, he was the oldest and had no cares in the world. He was an avid reader and soccer player, and helped his mother and father out with house work and farming. He did not start to have siblings until his father enlisted for WWI, and as a parting gift he would leave a child every time he came home for leave. It is even known that his father may have had some children with women he met during the war. When he did not come home at the end of the war he was presumed dead and never heard from again. Jacob had to take his place and get a hard job in a mill factory, just to make meets end for the family. Because of the Treaty of Versailles, Germany had a major blow to their economy and this lead to people losing jobs, unemployment rising and Jacob have to turn to more moral defining sources of work. By his teenage years he had two focuses in life; education, not only for his family but for him self as well, and the other being money, the best ways to save, get, and invest it. When he exited secondary school (high school), everything was starting to look good for his family. His mother was happy, his sisters were doing well, and he would be turning 21. That year WWII came and the Nazi party swept over Germany. He was to busy to concern himself with politics, and his mother was not a supporter, but they still had to follow the norms of society (at the time) and deal with the prejudices going around in the country. One night after his job, he was walking home from drinking with his friends, he was hammered, and got abducted by the Gestapo. They took him to a secret facility in Luneberg. It was one of the Nazi S.T.E.M facilities, were they worked to better their military prowess and improve the over all functions of human beings. Here is where the experiments started, he was apart of a group known as [i]Project Braniac[/i]. The purpose was to unlock the higher brain functions of humanity and make a more perfect human. They only had 12 subjects in order from arrival time, he was subject number 5. They did all kinds of experiments on him the entire duration of the war. He was only ever known by his number along with the other "subjects" and that's how they called to each other. Towards the end of the war, the Nazis created the "Cradle of Life". Its main purpose was to act as a crib and allow for the injection and direct exposure of the cells to nuclear, atomic, and solar energy to activate the triggers that were set in place by the experiments. This was done for the last few months of the war and when everyone was done the Nazis would unleash their new creations. Well the project was cut short and only the first five were able to receive the treatment, which brought about their powers safely and naturally with no scars, while the last seven had to endure pain and some kind of deformity, wither it was metal or physical, to get their powers. Jacob was mid procedure (it was at 90% completion) when the US stormed the base and tried to take over. Soon after being liberated the "original five" decided to destroy the facility and everything in it to make sure that no one could get their hands on the research and try to duplicate it. In spite of that Jacob kept the files on the "originals" and the blue prints on the cradle. He returned to his family that were no split in Berlin and Warsaw. His mother was living her last few years in a old folks home in Berlin, the cause was cancer. soon after she died he left Germany in altogether and moved to America. By now he was well off, the German government was (still is) paying him off to keep his mouth shut about what he went through, and the US government was (still is) paying him off to allow them to get a yearly "check up" om his well being. He continued to raise his sisters and watched them grow and have their own children, and so on and such forth. No his family is one of the last Aryan lines left that are from Germany. By the modern date all but one of his siblings is dead and she lives with him in New Orleans. Right when he came back he told his sisters what he could do and how it happened, and they told their kids and soon he became a legend among the younger generations. Many who visit his sister Alice, only see him as her care taker or butler but that is not the truth. After his sister died two years ago, he found did not know what to do with his time, taking care of his family was already done so now he could just waste away. But that was until he heard about someone who matched the description of Number 3. Number 3 was an older man who hated the Germans and had been at the facility longer than Jacob had. The reports had said that he was using his abilities to rob banks. Bank robing turned to grand theft, which turned to mass murder of anyone who had ties to Germany. Jacob knew this would pose a problem so he stepped in and combated him the entire way. He saved lives and got a public name because he wore a [b]#5[/b]. The crusade ended with the death of Number three at the hands of Jacob and Number 4. Soon after he had gained a hero background and now had something to occupy his time, saving the lives of the truly innocent. [/hider] Fun facts: [list] [*] Has deep knowledge in Biology [*] Likes to read books [*] Enjoys talking with others [*] Has a Sweet Tooth [*] Hates the idea of Getting Old [*] Children are not his thing [*] Favorite colors are Green, Blue and Purple [/list]