[hider=David Cantrell]Name: David Cantrell Age: 68 Weapon: M16A4, M1911, several bottles of ibuprofen Nationality: American, 1/64th Cherokee Relationships: Single - Divorced Family: Randy Cantrell (Son) Joanna Cantrell (Daughter - illegitimate) Royce Cantrell (Grandson) Possibly many others Personality: Angry, jaded, perverted, and very very senile; the Mr. Cantrell is not the man to be fooled with. Since he lost his leg, Cantrell had adopted a pessimistic outlook on life, and it had only gotten worse with age. In order to keep his emotions in check and Cantrell from going into sudden outbursts of rage, Cantrell must take a cocktail of drugs every morning and evening. Thanks to his erectile dysfunction and insecurity of said condition, Cantrell often makes comments about his penis. Cantrell will mention his penis almost every time he speaks. That said, Cantrell has adopted a fairly morbid sense of humor. Even so, Cantrell typically trusts everybody. He thinks himself a little too trustworthy if only as a means of making himself feel better after being let down. When speaking to younger men, he will often degrade them in some way. When speaking to a woman, he will often degrade them in some way. The only exception would be people with rank, and even then his respect for a person is hit or miss. Even so, he will refer to people as sir or ma'am. History: Born January 28th, 1947 Cantrell was raised by a humble family living the American dream in a small town in Oklahoma. He was raised well by his two parents who were purists about the American dream, at least as far as the young David was concerned. He grew up alongside 3 brothers, all older than he was. The family seemed to have a lot of boys on his father's side. Growing up was fun, for the most part. His father, after being boarded medically boarded from the Army after losing his left leg, had all the time in the world to spend with his family. Many compared Cantrell to his father, but at the time he did not heed their words. Growing up with a lot of testosterone, Cantrell competed very hard against his brothers. He wasn't the biggest or strongest kid in school, but Cantrell would always try to be. He was rough and tough to the core. Most play revolved around sports which Cantrell loved. When he got in trouble, Cantrell used to be punished with push-ups. When his father realized it wasn't working, he moved onto sit-ups. When they came of age, the Cantrell brothers all joined the military. His oldest brother commissioned through ROTC into the airforce- not something he particularly liked doing, but it was a nice bid to spite his father who hated airmen; the middle brother joined the army as an infantryman to make his father proud, knowing he was looked down upon a little bit as the middle child; the brother second youngest after David joined the Navy as a SEAL. David had a sense of obligation to join the military. The only question was which branch. After a year of working, Cantrell eventually decided to join the army after getting into a debate against an anti-war protester. He joined as a combat medic- 91B at the time. Cantrell went to basic training at Fort Benning, then trained as a medic at Fort Sam Houston. His first deployment was to Hanoi, and he had been on several missions in Vietnam since. Strange to say, Cantrell had fun. This was until Cantrell lost his leg to a punji trap, his comrades putting a tourniquet on the leg to stop the flow of poison in his bloodstream and the blood from escaping. The tourniquet was on for too long, and the leg had to be severed otherwise it would have caused harm to Cantrell's liver, leaving him dead. Out of Highschool, Cantrell married his sweetheart, the girl he took to prom. After he left for training, his girlfriend left him for another man. This was his first divorce. Cantrell met his second wife, the daughter of a migrant worker, in San Antonio while in training. She died in an incident regarding drug cartells. Cantrell's fourth wife was a Vietnamese woman he had met on deployment. She eventually gave birth to his only legitimate son- something Cantrell is still ashamed of. He divorced his wife shortly after his son graduated. Cantrell had been sleeping around with other women ever since. Cantrell retired as a First Sergeant at the age of 42. He has no regrets. Still, he spent a bulk of his retirement drinking and smoking while hitting on any girl he looked at. Other: Cantrell likes guns.[/hider]