As Erika got home, she dodged up the stairs as quickly and as quietly as possible to lock herself into her bedroom. Her back pressed against the door, she slid down it with a sigh, her curly ebony locks bunching up around her face and a strand bouncing up in front of her glasses. She promptly blew it to the side and closed her eyes, frowning. Today had been... awful. Not only were the usual suspects of the Ivory Masks trying to convince her to join their guild but she was being hounded by some the Cobalt Bruiser girls in her gym class--in the locker room no less where she couldn't escape. Then during lunch hour, her usual hiding spot with her friend Yuuki was bombarded by some of the Scarlet Harleys. They had played a more sneaky tactic, threatening to spread rumors about how she had a crush on the Red King, Micheal Davis. She'd blushed so hard she fogged up her glasses. She did think that he was cute, making matters way worse when she could barely stammer for them to leave her alone as politely as possible. She couldn't even walk home with Yuuki due to Fanged Rangers racing home after her. Erika buried her face into her hands. Why did she have to come from a family of 'legendary' Deep Ground players or whatever? She sniffed a little. She hated the attention--thats what she told herself anyways. Nobody even knew she [i]played[/i] the game much less if she had a high rank in it or what her avatar looked like. That is, aside from her parents and her older brother. [color=darkturquoise]"Aww, what's got you down kiddo?"[/color] Speak of the devil. Wait... Erika slowly looked up, her eyes slightly teary and she balked as she realized [url=]her brother[/url] was sitting cross-legged on her bed with her diary in his lap. Rather than answer him she deflated a little and looked down. Her brother crossed his arms and pursed his lips as he tried to size up the situation. [color=darkturquoise]"They're harassing you to join the guilds again aren't they?"[/color] A deep sigh and a nod told him all he needed to know. He looked back down at the diary he was reading and flipped a page. [color=darkturquoise]"I don't see why you don't just pick one already, they'll leave you alone after that probably."[/color] Erika puffed her cheeks up at that, ignoring his words to focus on the present matter. [color=cornflowerblue]"Why are you in my room?"[/color] [color=darkturquoise]"Oh, you know, making sure you're not on drugs, nobody giving you shit that I can't stalk them in DG and kill them over. You think Micheal Davis is [i]cute?[/i]"[/color] He scrunched up his nose at the last word and looked at her. Erika puffed up her cheeks again, turning red. She got up and marched over to her brother to snatch her diary out of his hands and pointed toward the door. [color=cornflowerblue]"Out. You've lost your over protective older brother privileges."[/color] She huffed. Her brother chuckled, patted her hair in a way that said 'you'll never get rid of me' and went on his merry way. With a sigh, she flopped onto her bed and buried her face into the pillow. She stayed like that for a moment when the message from the Black King came. She opened her eyes, startled... but then her eyes half closed. Great. Another Guild to come and harass the prodigal Mitsuki family. Her face buried itself even deeper into the pillow. She could practically hear the mobs of people forming to tell her to join. [color=cornflowerblue]"No, no no nooooooooooooo...."[/color] She half moaned, half groaned and mostly faux cried as she rolled around in her bed. She wound up face up staring at the ceiling with her wild hair spread out all around her and her glasses half off the bridge of her nose. Then, a determined look spread over her face and she bit her lip, thinking about what her brother said. She sat up, grinding her teeth. Screw it. Nobody knew what she looked like (and sounded like) as an avatar. No one knew Erika Mitsuki was the face behind Azga the Amazing and it's not like he was widely popular anyways. What did it matter what she did in Deep Ground Online? It wasn't like she was her stupid plain-jane self. Oddly enough, playing Deep Ground Online was way better than living in the real world, where all everyone talked about was DGO, her family especially. [color=cornflowerblue]"If I'm lucky..."[/color] She murmured as she laid back down on the pillow again, the game starting its countdown in her head. [color=cornflowerblue]"Some hacker will just delete my existence anyways."[/color] [center][h1]Welcome, Azga the Amazing[/h1][/center] As he formed in Deep Ground Online, Azga stretched and moaned in pleasure. It felt so [i]good[/i] to be him. So powerful, so cool, so ... well, sexy. He adjusted his glasses with a chuckle before cracking his fingers and opening his eyes with a grin. Now, where was this meeting? He was already late and eager to make a hell of an entrance. Pulling up his menu he was able to find the location of the Black King's meeting place and began to run towards it, his colorful robes trailing majestically behind him and the little bells on his coat jingling with every step. Time to shock and amaze, as he did best.