With a stretch and a yawn, Senna Small-stalk wakes up for the day of adventuring at precisely sunrise. Staring up at the hole-ridden, collapsed roof of her small residence, the tiny Ranger goes over the previous day's events, and prepares herself mentally for the trials soon to come. Nestled in the crook of her arm was her trusty bow, which she slept alongside each and every night. She could feel the familiar weight of her equipment at her back, and instinctively knew that she had received no unwanted visitors. As she rises and goes about her short, daily routine: checking everything she owned for wear, brushing dust off of her bedroll and rolling it back up, having a short sip of water from her skin. Soon enough, she was ready. With all of her gear on person, and a slight, lasting glance towards the abandoned shack that had served as her home base, she heads out into the sleeping city with a flutter in her chest. Her first action of the day was the most sensible. Knowing that she would soon be thrust outside of her element, she heads for the person who served as her anchor in this strange, new world. She wanders the Southern section of the City, in search of her patron Goddess, Cernunnos.