[b]"Manage to salvage something from that museum after all, I see. Everything in order, Boss?"[/b] Stukov said, Zhevon turned around, having just laid out his ingredients and gathered his cooking utensils. [b]"Yeah, I just have a lot to think about. Cooking helps me think."[/b] He explained, he turned back around and took off his leather gloves, revealing pale skin. He put them on the counter and picked up a kitchen knife and began to peel some of the apples over the sink. [b]"Thinking about sending some messages about that shield, and our next move."[/b] A moment later, the Sister came into the room. [b]“Good evening to both of you.”[/b] She picked up one of the apples, [b]“You never inquired about my personal rank Inquisitor Zhevon, so I will take the liberty of informing you myself about this information so we may become better acquainted."[/b] [b]"I uh-"[/b] [b]"I am Aviza Niskaru, Celestian of the Adepta Sororitas, Ebon Blade.”[/b] She introduced herself. She then turned to Stukov and discussed something about Arbites and Sisters. To which Zhevon looked at Stukov and shrugged. The Inquisitor didn't have the slightest idea of who held more authority over the other. She spoke very quickly, leaving little room to reply. [b]“I can assist with whatever you are planning on making. From an educated guess, it’s clearly some sort of dessert, perhaps a pie, cake or another baked good. As a side note, I am wondering what that shield is, it's nothing I have ever seen anyone carry before and seems to give off an aurora of purity.”[/b] She began to peel the other apples, [b]"I have a recommendation for the top of this pie or cake that we are making. It's a coffee cake crumble with brown sugar glaze, will go perfectly with the apples."[/b] She took a quick glance around the room, [b]"I was wondering if you by chance may own a guitar, adding some ambiance seems like it's much needed and would be appreciated here."[/b] Zhevon took this time to speak up, having stopped peeling his apple, [b]"Celestian Niskaru, slow down."[/b] He said, then moving over to a cutting board and began to cut the apples into slices. [b]"It's a simple apple pie for now, we don't have the ingredients for your recommendation. Perhaps the next time we visit one of the safe houses, we'll make your coffee cake."[/b] He explained, [b]"And no guitar, I'll tell the guys to add guitars to the other safe houses."[/b] He looked back to Stukov, [b]"As for the shield... It's an Astartes Stormshield, often given to Terminators or Veterans. I don't recognize the Chapter colors either, so I'll have to make some calls. It's a relic, that's for sure. Somehow blessed, it would likely disorient daemons and repel the influences of Chaos."[/b] He explained to Stukov and Aviza, after a second, he spoke up again, [b]"Say, Psyker Velenthin has a Servoskull correct? Perhaps the skull captured some useful footage, we should review it."[/b]