[center][h1][color=deepskyblue]A Certain Scientific Role Playing Game[/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-klQv_xMUml0/VcNbt720eYI/AAAAAAAAAic/KU_faFKS91k/s1600/Aerial_View.png[/img][/center] Academy City, a place where anything can happen and the unbelievable is common place. As its name implies, Academy City is a full of all kinds of educational institutions, from kindergarten to the world's most advanced colleges, you'll find all of it here, and thus students from everywhere gather here. But what turns this city into something really special aren't its schools or its population, but what is known as the "Esper Program", a deliberate attempt by the city's government to artificially create individuals known as espers. Though a very rare few are born with the power to operate wondrous things that are unexplainable by normal science, on Academy City, anyone can have this ability instilled on them. And, if they have dedication and perseverance, a normal person can climb all the way from a humble Level 0 to the mightiest of the Level 5s. All you need is to give it a try. [hr] [center][h2][color=deepskyblue]Story[/color][/h2][/center] First, let me welcome you all to this that will be my first try at A Certain Magical Index inspired role playing game. I'll be very brief because I don't think that I need to explain this franchise to anyone who knows what I'm talking about, and in cse you don't all you need to do is ask and I'll answer to the best of my ability. The story of this RP will begin during the Daihase Sports Festival, in fact, the very same one that happens during the course of the anime series. All canon things and characters will be present more or less in the same way that they should be, though I'll try my best to not let your characters be eclipsed by canon ones, so I expect you all to behave accordingly to this. Your characters will somehow get involved in a terrorist attack and will have to find a way to defuse the situation and, possibly, deal with the root of the problem which will inevitably lead to a confrontation with said terrorists. The safety of Academy City is in your hands, so what are you going to do? Just a couple of last things. This will be a "Science Side" RP, so no magic, please. And, I don't have any knowledge of the novels, please be as light on that matter as possible, since this RP is based on the anime alone. [center][h2][color=deepskyblue]Character Sheet[/color][/h2][/center] Name: (self explainable) Gender: (same as above) Age: (from 11 onward) School Grade: (from 1st year of middle school all the way to college) School Name: (can be canon like Tokiwadai or a custom one) Organization: (optional, like Judgement or a custom one) Esper Level: (1 to 4) Appearance: (anime pictures or a small description, whatever fancies you more) Personality: (at least a short paragraph, please) Bio: (same as above) Esper Power: (can be anything as long as it's explainable by in series science) Skills: (things your character can do not related to their power) Equipment: (things you usually have with you) Other: (anything not covered by the above, example: theme songs) *Please, post your characters here on this OoC and wait for approval before moving them to the CS tab.