Andres grinned at his three new prospects unlocking the doors to there cells and tossing them all the keys to their shackles. He walked into the other room return with water, cheese, and fresh bread for them all. "Eat on the way, were going out to the yard, your weapons and personal effects will be returned shortly, your armor is the chests along the wall behind me." He told them as he sat the food down on the table, drawing a pipe for his cloak he snapped his fingers igniting it and stood by the door waiting for them. Andres banged on the iron door leading up and out, a moment later five guards arrived and unlocked the door. Andres looked them over a moment then sighed. "Four of you escort me and the prisoners up, the other go fetch Jacob and have him meet us in the courtyard." The soldiers immediately jumped to work as the old man turned back to former prisoners. "Try to look decent, your meeting the Champion of Naga." He smirked then turned back starting up the hall. "As for weapons or mounts Shepherds have received their own funds and we plenty of Pegasi up in the stables for you to meet and choose from." He said smoke clogging up hallway as the soldiers and Grand Master marched. "Oh and piece of advice, if you attempt to run or desert I'll burn your legs off and watch you try to crawl away before slice your head off." The old man told them in a cheerful voice. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jacob nodded to the Mei'lin and released her hand. "I understand completely, you must do what is best for your country and I will do what is best for mine. I'm glad we understand one another and I pray do not have to face you on the field of battle." He was about to ask her if she would like to discuss thing further when a knock came at the door, then a voice. "Tactician Jacob, your presence has been requested in the courtyard by Grand Master Andres, I'm to escort you down." The soldier outside called out then waited patiently for him to emerge. Jacob sighed looking towards the door. "I'm sorry General, I must go see what Andres needs. Though I'm almost positive it will involve sparing with some knight or another. If you would like you can accompany down General Lei'min, we are leaving soon for Ferox, in just a couple of hours actually." He turned towards the door and stepped out the soldier giving a salute to Jacob as he stepped out. They began towards the courtyard, Jacob silently hoped Andres wasn't about to try and convince him to aid in one his age old plots... The last time the old coot had asked to the Courtyard had been to try and make him spy on Pegasus knights in the bath house. He'd refused and Andres had hung him for the top of the Tacticians Academy flag pole by his cloak. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A church Admiral approached Varrus. "We have ten vessels ready depart, load your men aboard and prepare yourselves it will be three days voyage. He told the boy before him as he looked over the soldiers. "Storms are about the sea to, I doubt all the ships will make it across. I pray Naga is guiding us, without that we might not have the man power to fight once we cross the sea." He sighed and looked over the water along the port city. "Theirs a women waiting for you down by the docks, wouldn't give me her name but she asked to see you alone before she left." He withdrew a cigar and a match lighting it he stared at the ocean. Down by the docks a young women waited, she wore white robes with no emblem on them and a hood pulled tightly around her head to hide her face. However if approached and looked carefully you see it was the Grand Cleric herself in disguise standing by docks that reeked of fish. She stared at the collapsed statue of Duke Virion quietly awaiting the young man she asked the admiral to call for her. She held tightly in her pocket Naga's tear, the treasure she coveted dearly and used whenever she prayed. She hoped the young lord would see her, she had to speak with him, to make one request before he left to face another boy, one that Tiki had proclaimed the Champion of Naga.