[quote=@Apollosarcher] Here is my character for review. [hider=Gaige Delta] Name: Gaige Delta Gender: Male Age: 14 School Grade: High School freshman School Name: Crystal River Academy Organization: Judgement Esper Level: 4 Appearance: [img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/01e69cb7d0356af5062a5e2321cb1eb8/http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk92/themagicsamm/normal_3g9f.jpg[/img] Personality: A strange if not charismatic individual, Gaige is always friendly and jokes around a lot. He misses social cues and yet see's everything around as small miracles which is not surprising given how he was born. Gaige grew up taking care of himself and has little understanding of family or bonds with others he is trying to learn however. He takes his work seriously valuing all life but knowing that those who wish to harm others cannot be allowed to do so. Bio: Gaige was not born, instead Gaige was created from other Esper's DNA in an attempt to create a Esper who could become level five. Gaige and his siblings would fight and forced to kill each other for years as training, until a UN raid killed the scientists behind it sadly most of the other children were gassed. Gaige escaped by having just been in a match against his twin, he was losing when the soldiers ordered his brother, Mark, to stand down. He replied with his magnetic power, pulling the guns away and turning them back at the soldiers. That day Gaige made level three, in a desperate attempt to stop his brother he grabbed his chest and turned his skin to stone. He died within minutes as the soldiers freed the young Gaige from under the rock that had been his brother they thanked him and hugged him. Captain Andrews adopted the boy legally and had him sent to Academy City, the squad visits every year and Gaige is always happy to show his progress. He hopes to be one of the next to achieve level five and help serve and protect everyone. Gaige has few friends yet years of living alone have taught him how to clean, cook, and care for himself. He actually has a large and very nice dorm room kept perfectly clean and cooks for fun, often bringing leftovers to school even bring some for his friends. Esper Power: Atom shift, by changing the atoms around he alter objects and himself. At his current level he can create complex machines out of items. Downside, he has to have enough matter to create what he's after and must understand the object completely. Requires him to touch the matter. Skills: Trained marksman, excellent melee combatant, skilled detective, and excellent cook. Equipment: Judgement arm band, a block of wood, phone, and watch. Theme: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3sKM0pbQH0] Got it memorized? [/url] [/hider] [/quote] Your character is good, but there's a few things that I'd like to point on your bio/power. First is that the only place in world where the esper program happens is on Academy City, whenever some other place tries to replicate it they get shutdown forcibly by the AC goverment. Even the USA had to bow down and give up on trying that because wagging war with AC is impossible. That said, it's not impossible for your bio to happen. What really happened is that the UN team was in truth a group of Hound Dog (AC Black Ops team) operatives that broke in to destroy the facility where you lived. You might have been lucky to be saved by a good natured member of the organization, but it's been a couple months since you don't see him, or any of the rest. Your character might have a chance of discovering why during game play, if you're willing to investigate it. As for your powers, I'd say they are ok, but more like a Lvl 3 thing, since you're basically a living 3D printer. But, because you have no control over termodynamics, the resources you use aren't renewable. Meaning, every time you reshape something, there's loss of matter and energy, so it eventually decay into nothing with continual use. [quote=@TaliPaendrag] [hider=Hoshi]Name: Hoshiko (Hoshi) Takahashi Gender: Female Age: 14 School Grade: 2nd year of Middle School School Name: Nagatenjouki Organization: None Esper Level: 4 [hider=Appearance:] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f4/3e/df/f43edf7c542b4251110b1e0a6be3c14d.jpg[/img] Standing at only 3’9” and weighing a measly 46 pounds, Hoshi is often mistaken for an elementary schooler by those who aren’t familiar with her, although she never really seems to mind. Additionally, her smooth complexion, button nose, and round face only serve to further emphasize her youthful appearance. Apart from her size, her most notable features are her golden blonde hair and her bright blue eyes. Due to how uncomfortable she finds wearing skirts to be, Hoshi always wears a pair of tights underneath her uniform, which means that it is quite common for her to be wearing tights, though the design may change from day to day. The only other thing that could be said to be a constant part of her outfit are the star-shaped clips that she uses to keep her hair up.[/hider] Personality: Hoshi is probably best known amongst her peers for her cheerful and exuberant disposition, virtually always having a sparkle in her eye and a smile on her face. Though some no doubt find her constant good mood overbearing, her confidence and general friendliness have made her semi-popular among her schoolmates. She also has a reputation for taking charge of situations that arise, often coming up with… unorthodox ways to solve a problem. Those who really get to know Hoshi, which honestly isn’t all that hard considering her natural extrovertedness, find in her a loyal, trustworthy friend who will stand up for them no matter what comes their way. Unfortunately, these same people soon discover that Hoshi is an individual who needs someone to balance her out and keep an eye on her, as she’s prone to ending up being taken advantage of or in situations that are way over her head due to her childish naivety and stubbornness. Bio: Born in the United States to the descendants of Japanese immigrants, it became apparent at a young age that Hoshi was… unnatural, though the only real manifestation of this was the fact that she would emit light, shimmering in the dark. Believing the phenomenon to be a medical condition at first, Hoshi’s parents took her to numerous doctors and medical professionals with the hope that they would be able to tell them what was wrong with their child. After several years of trying to find out from regular medical professionals what Hoshi’s condition was in vain, her parents were contacted by a representative of Academy City, who explained that it seemed that Hoshi was an Esper, or someone who could use supernatural abilities. Interested in studying a Gemstone, or natural Esper, as they suspected Hoshi was, the family was offered the funds to move to the City where Hoshi would have access to some of the best education in the world, as well as training in using her abilities. Though reluctant to leave their home and family in America, Hoshi’s parents did want what was best for her, and so ultimately accepted the offer, moving to Japan when she was about seven years old. Though much of her time was spent being scrutinized by researchers and scientists upon arriving, she managed to do well in school and progress in the use of her abilities quite nicely. As time went on, the trips to the research facilities decreased somewhat in frequency, though they still do happen, and Hoshi managed to reach the category of a Level 4 Esper shortly after entering middle school. In short, her life became more or less normal for a student living in Academy City, although she doesn’t and hasn’t ever participated in the Power Curriculum Program offered by the Academy due to the researchers’ fears that it will “contaminate” their research. Esper Power: Hoshi’s ability is formally known as Heliokinesis, though she refers to it as Star Burst, which is the ability to absorb and manipulate solar energy. In addition to being able to unleash blasts of solar energy at her opponents to knock them away, often giving them mild or moderate sunburns in the process, Hoshi boasts immunities to heat, light, and radiation. It is also possible for her to concentrate her blasts of solar energy into a laser of sorts to increase its damage, the tradeoff being that it’s a lot less of effective when dealing with multiple opponents. Hoshi can also, to an extent, manipulate light and heat around her, as they are extensions of solar energy. This control is weak at best, however, and, given the abundance of sunlight, largely unnecessary. It’s important to note that she is also able to absorb artificial light and heat, as well, though it is much more inefficient than absorbing sunlight, which means it’s usually only used during periods of time where the sun is inaccessible, such as a string of really cloudy days. Interestingly enough, Hoshi’s constantly emits small amounts solar energy, primarily in the visible spectrum, making her bioluminescent to an extent. While this quite noticeable during the night, it’s an effect that is washed out by other, brighter light sources during the day. If her bioluminescence is noticeable at all during the day, it’s in her hair and eyes, as they tend to shimmer just a bit with the colors of the rainbow, an effect that extends to her entire body during the night. Speaking of night, it’s worth noting that Hoshi’s abilities are somewhat diminished when the sun sets, as she can only burn through the energy she had absorbed throughout the day. She can refuel, so to speak, on the light of other stars or the moon, preferably, during particularly clear nights, but it’s far from ideal. Skills: Problem-solving, acting, painting, singing, and dancing Equipment: Her smartphone Other: N/A[/hider] There you go. As a note, Hoshi's emission of light is not a generation of anything. It's just a gradual releasing of the solar energy she has stored up in her body. [/quote] Your character seems fine to me. You can place her on the CS tab. [quote=@Urbanliner] [hider=Asuka]Name: Asuka Amamiya Gender: Female Age: 14 School Grade: 2nd grader, middle school School Name: Sakuraginohara Junior High Organization: None Esper Level: 4 Appearance: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=51718761 The school's uniform is composed of a black skirt, white blouse, red tie and a black blazer. Personality: Despite her feminine appearance, Asuka is a friendly and cheerful tomboy, with her main interest being driving, either inside games or real cars via her ability. However, she does have an interest in cute objects and such, although she definitely wants to hide that from others, although her reaction to being talked about it is simply blushing brightly. She does anything absolutely necessary to stop any instances of bullying even if she isn't involved in it in any ways whatsoever. She also prefers to bring smiles to her close friends if possible. Bio: Born in Japan by the natives, Asuka was a perfectly normal person unless one considered a tomboy as an unnatural trait, which her parents didn't. Aside from his father being a professional racer, there was nothing unusual to herself or her family. However, her life changed as her parents heard of other parents sending their children to Academy City so they could stand out from the usual ones just like her, and her parents planned to send her to the city once she enters an elementary school. At the academy, she initially joined a low-level school to see how her level would increase, which was a surprisingly fast process for her. Although she initially considered her power useless, she found that it wasn't when she could play games from afar after inserting a coin, but the need for coins has disappeared as he trained her powers more. Esper Power: Remote Crack - Asuka is capable of controlling and cracking into multiple computers from distance of about 2km maximum, but she needs to target the general location of the computer(s) with a laser pointer while thinking of what the location is. She can also fool sensor-based systems. (As an example of "general location", "a certain car" or "a certain room" would be considered as a general location, but "a certain building" wouldn't.) Skills: Driving (both inside games and not), Normal hacking, Running Equipment: Two near 1kW red laser pointers and a smartphone Other: None for now [/hider] [/quote] Your character is good too. You can move her to the CS tab later.