[hider=Merry Bennet] [u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [INDENT]Merry Bennet[/INDENT] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [INDENT]Champ, Lamb, Bennett, Tiny. Everyone has a name for her. [/INDENT] [b]Gender:[/b] [INDENT]Female[/INDENT] [b]Age:[/b] [INDENT]Seventeen[/INDENT] [b]Height:[/b] [INDENT]5'0 exactly...on a good day.[/INDENT] [b]Weight:[/b] [INDENT]110 pounds of pure muscle, or so she likes to say.[/INDENT] [b]Home District:[/b] [INDENT]From Away[/INDENT] [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] [INDENT]Good Old Brown[/INDENT] [b]Eye Color:[/b] [INDENT]Hazel[/INDENT] [b]Ethnicity:[/b] [INDENT]Mixed. African American from her father and French from her mother[/INDENT] [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] [INDENT]Merry, being a girl of slim build and short stature, is easily and constantly mistaken for a child of a much younger age. That, or a young boy. She doesn't complain about either of these comparisons. Merry looks more or less like a totally normal young adult, and certainly not a bad looking one either. She has a bust-to-waist ratio that goes along with her boyish appearances, not that she minds much. Lanky can easily describe Merry, like someone who hasn't had much time at a gym, as shown by her thin and weak looking arms and legs. Her back and shoulders are rather thin too. Her complexion, due to her mixed parental heritage, could be described as slightly dark, and extremely freckled. Unlike her Half-Sister, who's freckles are light, Merry's has freckles all along her cheekbones, nose, shoulders, back, arms, legs, everywhere. When she was younger, and more influenced by peer pressure, Merry tried to keep her freckles covered by makeup. But growing up, and having support from her Half-Sister and Friend, Merry started to like her freckles. And being finally through the awkward and greasy portions of adolescence, that and having her Half-Sister to offer her skin cleaners, Merry's face is acne free. Her face is rather rounded, having a soft jawline and a bit of baby fat still on her cheeks. Her eyes are large and round, and seem to sparkle when she is excited about something. Above her eyes are two, scruffy, eyebrows that raise when she is shocked. The rest of her features aren't all that distinctive, a nose and lips that are placed averagely between large and small. The only mark on her face is painfully obvious, a large scar stretching across the bridge of her nose. Merry doesn't like talking about her scar seriously, and will make up a different origin story for it every time someone asks. These responses normally range from fighting bears in the woods to falling out of a tree. Her hair is rather short, just barely long enough to be pulled into a tiny pony-tail. Merry's forehead is entirely covered by thick bangs, for whatever reason she doesn't like people seeing her forehead. Her bangs fall over her eyes and Merry often tries to blow them out of her vision. Her hair normally appears straight and tousled, but under stress it will start to curl, most likely from her anxiously twisting it. [/INDENT] [b]Attire:[/b] [INDENT]Merry's personal style, if it can really be called that, would be loose and relaxed. Or the boys section of the nearest department store. Much to the displeasure of her parents, as well as any chance she might have as appearing as an adult, she doesn't even shop in the mens section. She just waltz up to the kids sections and gathers up the extra larges. Merry claims that there aren't enough funny graphic tees in the mens section. She is a huge fan of 'ironic' graphic tees that have stupid or meme worthy sayings on them. Her all time favorite shirt is from the Boys Section and simply has the word RAD on it. She finds it hilarious. As for her bottom half Merry prefers shorts to pants, finding them comfy and easy to wear. Not only that, but mens cargo shorts always have plenty of pockets to stash things in. And yet, she has been known to pull a complete 180 and wear more traditional female clothes, but she absolutely hates it when people point this out. The only thing she absolutely refuses to wear are shoes with any sort of high heel. She says she is scared of tripping and twisting an ankle, but her friends tease her saying that she is stuck being short forever. She tends to stick to sneakers or sandels, finding them more comfy then any other sort of shoe. Merry totally owns a pair of Heelys, because why have dead weights on your feet when you can wheel around. But no outfit is complete without accessories, which Merry wears none of. Her ears are not pierced, but the tiny scars on the lobes suggest that they were at a time, and she can never commit to wearing necklaces or scarves. And in the rare chances she is found with rings or bracelets on her person, it is more then a likely chance that she is about to loose them from fiddling with her hands. [/INDENT] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Innate & Outward Personality:[/b] [INDENT]Merry is an extrovert – permanently friendly, forgives easily and considers everyone who she has met to be a friend. She is rather impulsive, jumping to conclusions or being the first one to run down a dangerous path. This is likely due to her high energy, which always seems to be unending. Her rather fun-loving nature makes her pleasant to be around. She is extremely loyal to whoever leads her, often carrying out tasks without second thought. And while all of this is rather fine, she can get extremely violent and rebellious when times call for it. Merry is one of those people with a complete "can do" attitude. This positivity can come off as clingy annoyance to people who don't like constant interaction. She can also come off as childish or innocent. Merry has a very youthful personality and an optimistic outlook to life and adventure. She can be quite reckless when she needs to have fun but normally, she'll go about everything with a cool approach. Despite her bright exterior, Merry suffers from low self-esteem. She constantly needs to be with friends to feel safe and comfortable, and fears a life alone. Merry has really bad abandonment issues. If you tell her you are going out to the store she will whip out the puppy-dog eyes until you take her along. She often wonders if her friends find her clingy and obnoxious and constantly fears their rejection. She craves attention and affection. She is constantly nervous that she is smothering her friends and that they will eventually snap at her. [/INDENT] [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] [INDENT]Merry loves playing video games of all sorts. Puzzle, action, adventure you name it she most likely has played a least one game that can be sorted into it. And while she certainly isn't amazing at them, they are a fun distraction from school work and there stress inducing things. Along with video games Merry enjoys reading books, mainly non fiction, and watching movies, mainly fantasy. She normally keeps by herself while relaxing, or hangs out with a few close friends who don't mind her gabbing throughout the entire movie then wanting to watch the sequels. She also is the sort of person who spends all her time Googling “Fun Facts” about her favorite movies and TV shows. And she just has to share this Trivia with her friends. Merry also has hobbies related to things without screens or special effects. She loves going on adventures outside, either alone or with friends. These adventures often start with Merry getting out of the view of her constantly worried mother, taking off her shoes, and then climbing the nearest tree. That, or, trying to tame squirrels and wild rabbits with food and kissy faces. Merry is completely and entirely the kind of person who tries to grab at seagulls on the beach, a place where Merry finds herself going rather often. [/INDENT] [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] [INDENT]Merry didn't participate in the same level of marital arts and fighting practice as her half-sister and practically-cousin. However after a bit of begging and pathetic looks the older two girls taught her a few basic moves. Just enough to keep the tiny Merry safe. And when Reyna and Mia weren't giving her wrestling lessons, under her mother's nose, she took up more creative pastimes. Primarily photography. She has albums upon albums of photographs of pretty much everything (Mostly of Reyna and Mia and herself going on adventures.) She takes quite a bit of joy from turning their adventures into scrapbooks for later. [/INDENT] [b]Prized Possession:[/b] [INDENT]A recording on tape of Reyna, Mia, and herself making music together. For years it acted as a sense of comfort when she was anxious or if she was struggling to fall asleep. One side of the tape is what you would expect to be on a karaoke list of songs from your childhood, and the other side is primarily lullabies sung by Reyna.[/INDENT] [b]Quote(s):[/b] [INDENT]“This song is cool and all Rey but you know what it needs? It needs a triangle solo.” “But Mia, Oklahoma is literally a flat state, do I have to wear my seat belt?”[/INDENT] [b]History/Bio:[/b] [INDENT]Everything about Merry's upbringing was a polar opposite to how her Half Sister, Reyna, was raised. Her childhood was very calculated and careful, a textbook example on how to raise a young girl. For her mother Merry was a second chance, a fresh start in motherhood. After leaving Reyna in custody of the father of Reyna, Merry's mother met another man. Over the course of three years some random stuff happened bluh bluh bluh Merry was born. And although Merry's mother wasn't the one raising Reyna, their relationships still remained positive. Thus, Merry and Reyna got to spend a lot of time together growing up. Reyna first was brought over to Merry's home when Merry was an infant, so Reyna was literally there from the beginning. Growing up, Merry had an incredibly positive home life. Her mother and father, despite often worrying and fussing over the girl, were very supportive of their daughter. And getting weekend visits from Reyna solidified the girls love for her family. Merry was never all that popular in school, more of the quiet and studious girl who was too socially inept to raise her hand in class. Merry's parents were pleased with their daughters excellent grades and attendance, as well as her participation in a few school clubs and sports. But even in clubs Merry was reserved and shy. However, during her weekends with Reyna Merry completely transformed. When Merry is with Reyna she becomes a goofy, loud, individual. Reyna was also the one Merry confide in the most, especially about problems related to school and people. Her mother often worried that this personality change would effect Merry negatively, or at least in her academics, but once Reyna left at the end of the weekend Merry would sink back into her shell. Back to being the good and well behaved daughter her parents took pride in. This borderline 'rebellious' nature doubled when Merry was introduced to Mia. Merry was only about ten years old at the time, and her mother feared that Mia would be a bad influence on the young girl. This ended up not being the case, as Mia was one of the first people Merry revealed her powers to. But keeping vocal powers quiet and contained wouldn't last long. The years went by and Merry, Mia and Reyna continued to have adventures. Up until today, when Mia and Reyna decided to take Merry along on a cross country adventure. A bonding experience as well as a chance for Merry to get away from her parents for the first time in her life. It took a bit of persuading on Merry's part, as well as a lot of promising of “This will be totally safe” “Reyna is a trustworthy adult” and “It will be one big adventure before I go back to school.”[/INDENT] [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [b]Family:[/b] [INDENT]Father: Jared / Alive Mother: Vivian Bennet / Alive Half-Sister: Reyna Baker / Alive “How the Hell are we related again?”: Mia Jones / Alive[/INDENT] [b]Dynamics:[/b] [indent][b]Reyna Baker[/b] | [b]Half-Sister[/b] | [b]Big Buff Cheeto Puff[/b] | [i]“I absolutely love Rey to death. She's really cool and strong and has always been there for me. I look up to her a lot and wish I could be as tough as her."[/i] | [b]Mia Jones[/b] | [b]“I think she is related to Reyna but I seriously have no idea”[/b] | [b]A weird mix between a mother and a friend[/b] |[i]“Mia is pretty much the mother of our terrible trio and I wouldn't have it any other way! Also she is really cool and strong! And her one eye thing makes her practically a pirate”[/i] | [/indent] [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] [INDENT]Elemental[/INDENT] [b]Power:[/b] [INDENT]Sound Manipulation AKA "Merry/fuckface can scream at superloud volumes and drop the bass and shit" -Mr Allen J (2015) Merry's powers, while having the overarching theme of relating to the manipulation and creation of sound, are broken down into two categories. Abilities that would be useful in battle and abilities that are just fun to fuck around with. Concussive Sound, as Merry likes to say, falls under abilities that have the power to hurt someone. Merry can manipulate any sound out of her mouth to be high enough, or low enough, frequencies to cause internal damage to adversaries. Or she can amplify her screams loud enough to hurt. And not many people can shoot at her without wanting to drop their weapons and cover their ears. Hearing her screams from a distant can hurt, but being close to her when this happens can be devastating and permanently damaging to your eardrums. At close ranges Merry has been known to knock over or destroy small or weak structures. Shattering a glass? Easy. Take that opera singers. As for the more fun powers I'm listing them in Bullet Point form because Allen loves my gay ass. -Sound Mimicry, meaning Merry can manipulate her own voice into the voice of someone else. How convincing this replication is depends on how well Merry knows the other voice. Mimicking her mothers voice? Easy. Mimicking the voice of someone she just met? Not so easy. -Sound Amplifying, meaning Merry is now the best portable speaker system in the world. She is a big hit at parties. This is similar to her other powers, except the source of these sounds do not have to be from Merry. Hand her an MP3 and she can amplify the sounds. These cannot reach the destructive capabilities as her voice, but blasting Rick Astley's Never Gonna Give You Up never gets old. [/INDENT] [b]Limits:[/b] [INDENT]Being silenced would be the first and most obvious drawback to her screams. Cover her mouth or otherwise mute her and she is powerless and defenseless. Merry also was not encouraged to use or learn about her powers while she was growing up, and thus knows little about them. She doesn't know her own limits, and can sometimes use her powers without meaning to. She hasn't figured out how to really 'turn off' her powers, except to clap a hand down over her trap. [/INDENT] [b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b] [INDENT]Merry can't scream forever. Her power might be good at projecting her sounds, but her vocal cords, while tough, aren't built for lasting periods of loud sound. It's easy, as well as common, for Merry to lose her voice. And losing her voice means no more screaming until her vocal cords and throat can heal. Which means honey and tea. And Merry really doesn't like tea. Merry also has been known to hurt her own ears from screaming, especially in areas where sound echos and bounces. [/INDENT] [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] [INDENT]Merry has been known to talk in her sleep, resulting in some pretty hilarious things being said. [/INDENT] [/hider]