On contrary, I decided to join :D [hider=Miyako][b]Name:[/b] Miyako Tsurara [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]School Grade:[/b] 14, 2nd year middle school [b]School Name:[/b] Nagatenjouki [b]Organization:[/b] GROUP [b]Esper Level:[/b] 4 [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e1/88/ea/e188eac70b399ae1745d3b79ff785f39.jpg]Here we go[/url] [b]Personality:[/b] While Miyako is usually relaxed and laid back as what most people see, she's not really a laid back person as what most thinks. For starters, she overthink things too much and always try her best to prepare with a fluid plan but will scrap it anyway and contradicts her statements depending on what it is, contrary of breaking the cliche of ice, she's easily hot tempered. She is quite aloof and reluctant to acknowledge certain people unless she thinks that they deserve it. Miyako goes her own separate way and does not like to meddle with other people's affairs because she finds it uncool and bothersome not unless it is an urgent need. She also have punchlines and even puns that relates to the cold, it comes naturally and she doesn't even mean it which makes her comically serious. Quotes that follow are irony such as when an Ice Esper like her not liking the cold and ice puns. [b]Bio:[/b] Born from a line of family of police in Hokkaido, Miyako is taught and disciplined in a police oriented environment, it was bittersweet as she both dislikes and likes it, either way she's not able to decide whether if it is her own destiny or a destiny that someone else destiny imposed on her. Since she was a child she is bounded to her family's tradition of carrying on the police, she knew her family but not entirely. In general, she strives to honor her family and being proclaimed herself someone with high honor, she seize her goal to be in Academy City whether she like it or not and the rest, is history. [b]Esper Power:[/b] [i]Winter Sonata[/i] In short, it is cryokinesis. Her personal reality is built solely on manipulation of ice and to some degree, its properties such as turning it into hail, casting snow, cold wind, decreasing the temperature, and giving form/shape to ice. She is able to freeze flames but not stronger ones. It is noted that her AIM releases a cooling effect. She achieved level 4 due to the power curriculum however the consequences were downing, the consequences of her power makes her not so good with hot temperatures much to like how Accelerator is an albino; her body temperature is not "cool" with heat meaning sensitive to temperature that is 30 degrees Celsius and above. That said, summertime and the scorching heat is bad for her. As a fighter, Miyako prefers spamming projectiles of ice from a distance and shielding herself with a Cryokinetic Aura, that of a reflector. It is a cryokinetic shield with thermal diffusion properties that freezes anything upon contact much to like Kinuhata Saia's offense armor. She has to activate it manually as it is not automatic. Furthermore it is not an invincible defense as heat is enough to pierce her defense and it can't instantly freeze something bigger nor can it reflect as well. It is basically freeze upon contact. [b]Skills: [/b] Infiltration, she's good at getting in but not getting out. Playing the piano. Cooking. Swimming. [i]Played for laughs, she'll just freeze her way through.[/i] [b]Equipment:[/b] She always brings a lollipop that stabilizes her body temperature. These lollipops are developed by AC's power developers. [b]Other:[/b] Her character is inspired by Kinuhata Saiai[/hider]