[b]Austin, Texas[/b] Claire Bennet took a deep breath as she stood back stage of the conference being held on the Bennet Act. Since her exposure of evolved humans, Claire became somewhat of a spokesperson. In some cases, she was like a representing for her kind, in other cases it was as if she was leader. Though she felt like she had little influence, she tried her best to let people understand. Understand her kind, understand how people need to view her kind, and other controversy. She was sure she would get some criticism, but people needed to see this as a step the world needed to take. As she heard her name called for her to step up to the podium, she could hear both praise and loathing from the audience. Claire walked up, determined. "Now I know many of you have heard of this Bennet Act, and some of you are skeptical..." Claire was interrupted by a few uproars. "But this is the first move we need to take together! By knowing which people have abilities, we can find ways to not only help them with control and fitting into society, but we'll also be able to treat situations differently with the presence of the evolved. Right now, law enforcement and government agencies are running around with no clue on howhat to find out who destroyed the high school in Los Angeles. What if they knew how many evolved humans were residents in that city. What if we can eventually catalog the powers of each person who is identified as aN evolved human. We as a society should know who's what and who we need to look out for in regards to usefulness and caution..." Claire continued on with the conference and started going over the Bennet Act in great detail. [b]Michael's Home, Los Angeles[/b] "Woooh! Another day conquered!" Michael roared as he entered his home with a smile on his face. Work had been busy since the accident at the high school today, so Michael was pretty much ready to get a nice back massage from the wife and sip on a glass of whiskey before going to bed. As he made his way into the kitchen, he stopped in his tracks as he noticed his wife's clothes on the ground. "What the... Jen?" Michael called out, but he got no reply. "Jen!" He called louder as he walked to the bedroom. It was the first place he'd have to check. It was principle if you find your wife's clothing on the ground. He didn't expect her to be having an affair, but it was principle! She was either trying to surprise him with something kinky or she was using her powers... or both. He then walked into the bathroom, to find her absent. With a sigh, he half heartedly closed the bathroom door which left it ajar before taking a leak. "I wonder what she's doing. A note would have been nice." Michael said as he went to wash his hands for a few seconds. After leaving the bathroom, Michael returned to the kitchen and grabbed his bottle of Jameson from the freezer. He glanced at the clothes on the ground and shook his head as he left them in the kitchen with an empty glass and his bottle of whiskey. As he sat on his sofa, he set down his things and turned the television on to watch CNN. To his surprised, it wasn't covering evolved humans. Just a lucky guy who managed to win the lottery for the second time this year. "People shouldn't be allowed to win twice. How fair is that." Michael said with a smile before pouring a glass for himself. The story seemed to last seconds before covering the Bennet Act. "Here's to the evolved." He toasted before taking a long sip.