Ohman, it feels weird having all the main characters in this series less than 17 years old. These wild youngsters!! (I'm getting too old for this OTL) On a different note, does someone think they could give a small recap of the Daihase Sports Festival arc? I watched this show waaaaay back when I was in middle school and honestly don't remember much of the plot, only the world and characters. [hider=Aya] Name: Aya Azuma (我妻彩) Gender: Female Age: 15 School Grade: Middle School Third-Year School Name: Nagatenjouki Organization: None Esper Level: 3 Appearance: [hider] [img]http://i.imgur.com/h3AIfeV.jpg[/img] [/hider] Personality: If "haraguro" could be summed up in one person, Aya would be that girl. To the average person you'd pass by in the hallway, she's a well-mannered, diligent student always willing to help out anyone in need. Her slightly-inquisitive nature occasionally leads her to chase after rumors and poke her nose into other people's business, but all in all, she'd be what you call "ordinary". Catch Aya alone, though, and you'll find that things...aren't so pretty. In secret, she delights in the suffering of others, often using her esper ability to push those around her into the way of trouble. Twicefold for those who have wronged her in the past - she's not one to forget grudges. Aya's innate hatred of males also feeds this sadism, as she'll sometimes unconsciously use her ability on them without realizing it. When around *exceptionally* cute girls, though, Aya grows exceedingly subservient and flustered, stumbling over each word that comes out of her mouth. That doesn't mean she won't mess with them, though - she enjoys seeing them suffer, too. It just makes them even cuter♡ Bio: Aya was born the illegitimate child of a high-ranked researcher in Academy City, her father's identity and whereabouts unknown. Nevertheless, she was completely fine with this, and lived a fulfilling childhood with her mother, Mayumi, who swore never to involve her daughter with her research. As Mayumi started coming home later and later, however, Aya's curiousity got the better of her, and she begged her mother to take her along to work. There, she found her mother conducting illegal experiments on test subjects, using methods based off of Kihara Gensei's research. Mayumi believes that overloading espers is the only true way of unlocking Level 6, by pushing them to their limits and beyond. Upon learning this fact, Aya came to her mother's lab much more frequently, often volunteering to assist with experiments (she enjoys those particularly) but never actually taking part herself. She still doesn't know the full details of what exactly her mother's doing, but boy, is it fun. Esper Power: Terror Propagation - Aya is capable of triggering specific glands in the brain which induce fear. This can range from simply triggering nightmares in a roommate to causing visual/auditory hallucinations and nervous breakdowns in more weak-willed individuals. Her ability also has more immediate uses, such as causing an attacker's hands to shake while firing a gun, or paralyzing a fleeing enemy. However, the nature of such an ability can also work against her, triggering the fight-or-flight response - an increase in adrenaline also causes improved physical performance. Her ability has an effective range of approximately 10 yards, strengthening with proximity and reaching its full potential with physical contact. Skills: Karaoke, reading, chess, gaming, [s]torture[/s] making people suffer Equipment: Flip phone, pocket knife Other: [url=http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19266098]Appearance source☆[/url] [/hider]